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  1. S

    Does this look ready?

    Bad news. Everything got mouldy and had to be destroyed!!! What a rotten stroke of luck. Oh well, it was a stupid experiment which I will never try again. I am done with it forever. But good luck and happy growing to all you wonderful gardeners!
  2. S

    Does this look ready?

    I'm cleaning out pickle jars even as we speak. Cleaning and smoking... (it might never get done)
  3. S

    Love your name!

    Love your name!
  4. S

    Does this look ready?

    Hi everyone! Well, looks like god decided it was time to harvest because my house got infested with gnats and I had to harvest before those nasties got to my plants. So, I have a question about manicuring the buds: I found it very difficult to bring myself to cut leaves that are covered...
  5. S

    Does this look ready?

    Okay, well with that helpful advice, I can wait at least until the holiday weekend to harvest. Which is not to say that a wee bit won't be sneaked and dried before then!
  6. S

    Does this look ready?

    Wondering... how long is the window between "ripe" and "too ripe"?
  7. S

    Does this look ready?

    Hi all! So it's been 5 days since the last post. I think the plants are ready for harvest because they're not growing anymore and they just look "ready" to me. They are at exactly 8 weeks of flowering. They just look like they're tired of growing. Call it a vibe I'm getting from them. HOWEVER, I...
  8. S

    Does this look ready?

    Great advice, and dark's pics tell the story. Helpful! Thanks a bunch. I'm no gardening smartypants, so I sure appreciate all the advice. I'll post more pics in a week or so, in case anyone is interested. Ciao!
  9. S

    Does this look ready?

    I have a jeweler's loop to see up close. So, let me ask you. The "trichs" that are supposed to be 50/50 amber/clear... are those the teeny tiny protuberances, not the long stringier ones (which as you can see are currently at around 50/50 right now)?
  10. S

    Does this look ready?

    I believe I am inclined to wait, just as you say. I just remember reading somewhere that if they get too ripe, it will be a very couchlock-type high which I'm not entirely fond of (but wouldn't kick it out of bed). I'm trying to avoid that tipping point but also afraid to cut them down too soon...
  11. S

    Does this look ready?

    Hi all. This is an unknown strain growing in FF soil under two 400 watt hps lights. They vegged for eight weeks, and are now in their eighth week of flower. For vegging I fed them liquid seaweed, and for flowering they've been getting FF Big Bloom and sometimes misted with a dilute solution of...
  12. S

    Hi Weednut.

    Hi Weednut.