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  1. B

    hey dude im from england / wales.... new to this, just started my first grow aswell... mayb we...

    hey dude im from england / wales.... new to this, just started my first grow aswell... mayb we can talk each other threw the stages.. help each other out over here? lol... if you got msn whats yr addy m8?
  2. B

    fluorescent lights.. quick question

    can anyone advise off a website link, for the spcific bulbs i need? like i said i only got 2 seeds, just wanna try it out for now, so could any one point me to the correct bulbs on a website in the uk??
  3. B

    fluorescent lights.. quick question

    What wattage is there to use? Fluorescents come in a wide range of watts any where from 4 to 214 watts that I have found. the only fluorescent lights i can find are ranged between 8w-32w, thats in local shops around me, dont wanna order online will take to long to...
  4. B

    Things to Know About Lighting

    What wattage is there to use? Fluorescents come in a wide range of watts any where from 4 to 214 watts that I have found. the only fluorescent lights i can find are ranged between 8w-32w, thats in local shops around me, dont wanna order online will take to long to...
  5. B


    hey im new here, just wanted 2 say very nice site, alot of useful information on here :)