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  1. L

    All of La Plata Labs Gear and Grow Journals

    Laplata labs misrepresents strains, puts his name on other people's gear and says he breed them, he just makes stuff up, bad news!!
  2. L

    The Doggies Nuts! - G13 #1

    so have you actually grown t.d.n. g13? or do you say there crap cuz u cant afford them?
  3. L

    hermies pop up within hours!

    there is this stuff called "reverse" by dutch master,, i had hermies and i sprayed them and they went away,, fyi
  4. L

    NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

    i have a 700 watt 5band led and it is an INSANE !!! veg unit,,the best!! but i found my flowers didnt yield like they should,, are you finding that?
  5. L

    Are LED bulbs good??

    well i have used a "5 band" (5 dif color led's) 700 watt led and started it in veg and it crapped out mid way thru the flower cycle ie: loose buds mainlly,, BUT let me tell y0ou this thing is a friggin beeeeast in veg,, my veg stuff looks soo fat and dense,,and the node spacing is off the...
  6. L

    bud porn

  7. L

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    hey dude those root look great,, i was wondering what your feeding scedual is? like spray for x amount of time off for x amount of time,, that would be really helpful for me,, thankx