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  1. P

    Coco Growing

    Hoping someone can even just give their opinion??? Bump
  2. P

    Coco Growing

    Hello all, I am currently using promix as a grow medium but I am thinking of trying coco. Right now I use new promix each time because every time I try and reuse it I have problems and growth seems to be slow. I have heard good things about coco such as the ease of keeping a stable ph and...
  3. P

    What do i do? Kb plant leaves are folding like a v

    Good luck man keep us posted
  4. P

    Magnesium Deficiency Help!

    The marijuana plant problem section stated hard water as a cause of the deficiency which is why I believe it to be the cause. The water in my area smells so bad I can barely drink it and I'm not picky when it comes to food and drink lol. I think its heavily chlorinated and god only knows what...
  5. P

    What do i do? Kb plant leaves are folding like a v

    I bought a soil ph tester and although I'm sceptical about its accuracy it does tell me when its off. I don't fertilize every other day usually once weekly or when the leaves begin to lighten slightly. Also, try to water your plant thoroughly and then let the pot get light (but don't let it...
  6. P

    My first ever clone rooted !! Now I have a question

    Personally myself I like to let the clone root very well before I plant it. Usually I get roots shooting out around the entire peat pellet. Once they are well rooted and they go into the pot they will grow pretty quickly from my experience. I have had good results with soaking my peat pellet...
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    Magnesium Deficiency Help!

    Hello everyone, I have a magnesium deficiency and am trying to deal with it. I believe it was caused by hard water because I am using tap water with no RO system (PH adjusted before watering of course). My plan is to foliar feed with an epsom salt solution, but I have a few questions...
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    yeah maybe some extra veg time would help but they end up 4' tall as it is and there are roots coming out the bottom so I don't really know how much longer I could go?? Our pots look the same size, mine are just over 11 litre which is nearly 3 gallon. Do you use CO2, because I don't.
  9. P


    My medium is promix. I veg for roughly 14 days and flower for 60. I say a guy in the hydroponics section who flowered 8 plants under 3 1000 watt bulbs and says he got 6.75 ounces per plant. I am wondering if the extra light is worth it.
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    The strain is california orange and chronic. Both I thought were pretty good strains. From what I am getting you flower 1 plant under 650 watts? I am only getting 40 watts per square foot. This is why I am asking if extra light would be beneficial.
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    Hey guys question for any of the lighting experts on the site. I am using a 1000 watt hps to flower a 5' x 5' area. I find that the outsides are a little shaded. I am just wondering what the benefit would be to adding additional light. Usually I get 28 grams per plant, but I have limited...
  12. P

    Sound off on Spider Mite Prevention

    For the last 3 weeks I have been spraying with neem oil or azamax, and along with eliminating a thrip problem, I have not seen any other insects at all. Neem also has systemic properties. I have started to use it as a soil drench as well. I am going to see how long it takes for effective...
  13. P

    doesnt look very sexy

    Two things come to mind for me. The first and most obvious is that it is a magnesium deficiency which can be solved by adding magnesium. The other thing which is less obvious is that you may have fungus gnats or thrips in your soil and they are eating at the roots which causes the leaves to...
  14. P

    Mosquito Dunks/Azamax/Chlorine

    Yes they have been effective. I have seen a drastic reduction in the leaf damage that I now know was coming from thrips in the soil. Overall, the mosquito dunks are a very cost effective way to deal with larvae in the soil. I am also going to begin watering neem oil into the soil so that it...
  15. P

    Creating Pest Management Program

    Point taken regarding the cleanliness, however, we're talking about microscopic insects here. Its as simple as them entering through an air intake, or on your clothing. Going to your hydro shop can expose you to the insect, then you visit your plants and bang their in there. Cleaning will...
  16. P

    My buds are all retarded ......

    I had some odd leaf growth and some weird bud growth and I believe it was because of a thrip problem I was having. They hang out in your res or soil and eat at the roots causing deformed growth. I am not sure if that is your problem but it is a possiblity. Something to keep in mind.
  17. P

    Neem Oil as Systemic

    Good to hear that the sm-90 was helpful. There was a rumour that sm-90 kills all bacteria but apparently it only kills anaerobic bacteria. I use mosquito dunks already and would like to keep them in my prevention program (they are aerobic so it should be just fine, just a little side note I...
  18. P

    Neem Oil as Systemic

    I have been doing tons of research on a bug prevention program. I posted in this section asking for other ppl's programs but unfortunately I didn't get and responses. I really believe that this could be very beneficial for many of us here trying not to use toxic chemicals. These chemicals are...
  19. P

    Creating Pest Management Program

    Where are you able to get this br proactive, I googled it and nothing comes up. The two products I have been able to locate are Bayer Tree and Shrub, and Green light. The problem with these is that it seems like they contribute to feeding the plant which I don't want, obviously I want to do...
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    Creating Pest Management Program

    Thank you for responding. I was really hoping that there was a product like this. Do you use this product yourself? Do you have any other products you use on a schedule to prevent bugs??? Anyone else with experience feel free to add to this discussion.