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  1. Kevilgenius

    The Infamous Second Break

    Wow, I have bit my tongue for a while but this is getting a little too much. Honestly I don't enjoy this and I do think it takes takes away from the enjoyment of using these forums... Why do we have to have THREE ads right after another?
  2. Kevilgenius

    The Infamous Second Break

    I, am a daily smoker. I would say that the longest time spent in between smoking most weeks is also the longest I had slept in one night. But, I like to take on average one full week break every three months. This three months sadly are going to have two breaks... due to financial reasons, and...
  3. Kevilgenius

    Online Gaming

    thanks, i meant a free pc online game
  4. Kevilgenius

    Online Gaming

    Is anyone playing a good online game they would recommend. I am thinking of the kind of game you can return to. Not just a 4 level flash game. I tried to play Infantry online, but there aren't very many people playing. Any rpg game would be great. something with rolling stats.
  5. Kevilgenius

    Holy Shit. i just read sumthin that BLEW my mind....

    The whole concept of a gateway anything is stupid. Sure, it's hard to find hard drug users that haven't smoke cannabis before, but have you ever found one that didn't drink? If cannabis is a gateway drug, then it's a tiny shadow compared to the biggest gateway anything we have ever had, ALCOHOL.
  6. Kevilgenius

    Marijuana is a dangerous drug!!

    I liked the affects... cancer, problems with your body
  7. Kevilgenius

    I hate the fucking cold

    I just got in from an hour long walk, it is -10C out there.
  8. Kevilgenius

    who is the biggest buzz kill?

    I never really interact with the cops when I am high. Maybe the odd ride program. Ride programs are made buss kills
  9. Kevilgenius

    who is the biggest buzz kill?

    If you rent - Landlord...
  10. Kevilgenius

    Anyone reading?

    I am almost done this. He writes short books. Any good suggestions for my next read?
  11. Kevilgenius

    Anyone reading?

    we should really start a stoned book club. and then smoke while you read and or discuss
  12. Kevilgenius

    when to sit down?

    I am only too lazy to flush, so i go in the back yard. whether we were meant to pee standing or sitting it was meant to be outside. I find it to be a waste to have a penis if you don't use it outside
  13. Kevilgenius

    Anyone reading?

    I just started Post Office - Charles Budkowski. Anyone reading something interesting?
  14. Kevilgenius

    If Your Spilling Bullshit, Keep Your Advice to Yourself

    This is way I prefer not having a running post count, it deters people from pointless points.
  15. Kevilgenius

    The best way to use Cannabis is once a week

    From my research on it, it doesn;t kill brain cells. The tests done to prove that (from Nixon) were false because the amount of smoke they were giving (30 joints a day) was all done in a 15 min span and it was the lack of oxygen killing the brain cells not the cannabis.
  16. Kevilgenius

    The best way to use Cannabis is once a week

    Have you read this? Its from the University of Saskatchewan (good too see Canadians informing) it suggests that consistent use of THC improves brain cell growth. Not to say that it makes you smarter, but I like to think of it like...