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  1. B

    Growing tree's in a tree

    And if you cut it at the right time, Hermie bud can be either sleepy or energetic weed
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    Growing tree's in a tree

    Dude this grow is awesome!!! Ive never thought I'd see anything like this hahaha, keep it up! And man, dont worry about hermes. I recently grew some hermie bud and it was actually some of the best bud ive ever seen in my life. INSANELY resin packed, lime green and smelled DANKKKKKK. If you're...
  3. B

    Fungus gnats??? Please HELP!!!! =(

    Totally true, I forgot to add that its best to cover the top 1"-2" with a fine sand mix (or anything similar to sand) to prevent them from burrowing down to lay eggs.
  4. B

    Fungus gnats??? Please HELP!!!! =(

    My friend just had this EXACT problem plus an infestation of mites... and We've found a natural way that has seemed to have killed everything. All you need is Neem oil and Habanero peppers. First you need to make a Habanero pepper spray. This kills any bug on contact and will keep the bugs...
  5. B

    Need help plants in flower PICS INCLUDED

    are the very tips of the leaves a cracked/burnt brown? If they are, then youve got nute burn. But from the looks of it, I would say that that is absolutely normal for plants midway thru flower to start sucking all of the Nitrogen from the leaves (top and bottom) and I dont think that you have...
  6. B

    Can Neem Oil be mixed into Water with Nutes in it???

    Whats up everybody!! Ok so my buddy just found out that he has a huge infestation of spider mites. He has been treating them with a Habanero spray to kill them on contact, and then also sprays the crap out of the plants/room with neem oil, aswell as mixing some neem oil into his waterings. The...