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  1. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    Sorry to anyone whose been waitin for anything new. I've been really busy and have to wait for a new camera to get some new pics since my old one seems to have bit the dust... Anways, were coming up on 7 week flowering come this Tuesday and the ladies are getting ever so plump! I have been...
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    first CFL and bubbleponics setup

    very healthy lookin plants. Im interested in seeing where this goes, especially with that bubble system. Everything looks real clean and well put together. Keep it up!
  3. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    anyone still followin this?? I'd put up some new pics of the bushy ladies
  4. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    Update: Day 29 flowering I seemed to have fixed my yellowing problem even though the pics do not show it. I up-potted the yellowing plant into a thick bag with plenty of holes inside a cardboard box... ghetto i know, but it does the job. The rootball didn't appear rotten or smell abnormal but...
  5. C

    lets play name that deficiency...+rep

    How long ago did you replant into bigger containers? Has it been a few days yet? And you still don't notice any improvement/ LACK of further deterioration? Im in the exact same boat as you, check my journal, and a fellow grower suggested that it was sign of rootbound if increased levels of...
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    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    Do you think the plant is yellowing at too fast of pace? Last feeding I added the Floralicious supplment which had 2 parts Nitrogen in the NPK. So, I gave it that with the Floranova Bloom and it seemed to slow its pace somewhat. I think its just a part of its normal maturation process since the...
  7. C

    molasses to use or not to use

    wyteboi, thanks for breakin it down for me man, +repp. So, I guess since I am using the GH Floranova line with floralicious, there is no real point in supplementing my plain waterings with molasses since the chemical ferts would most likely counteract/kill the microbes in the soil which the...
  8. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    Update: Day 23 flower The other plant in the pics it the cheese x og kush clone I got goin and it is stinnky. Its buds are already super sticky and dense. The unknown indica is also budding nicely. I think its leaf yellowing is a normal part of its maturation process since the buds are...
  9. C

    flowering - lower leaves yellowing

    Purfict, thanks man, when you say your plant has lost 4 fan leaves from the bottom you mean like 4 levels of leaves correct? Or do you mean 4 leaves total? Because mine is getting to that point (4 levels) but the buds are still healthy lush green and have no signs of dryness or yellowing. I...
  10. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    bummmp... I know its normal to yellow during the later stages of flowering, but these are only 3 and half weeks into flower. Can anybody offer me some advice as to whether this is normal or signs of a more serious problem? Pleasse, +repp
  11. C

    flowering - lower leaves yellowing

    Not trying to hijack your thread but I am going through a very similar situation and would like to get some advice on what to do.. Ok, I have one plant under about 200w cfl, in FFOF soil, watered every other day and fed every other watering with GenHydro Floranova Bloom. It appears to be an...
  12. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    bump... nobody can offer me some advice?
  13. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    Update: Day 19 flowering OK guys, the larger plant appears to be developing some sort of deficiency or somethin that is well illustrated in the photos. The lower fan leaves closest to the base/trunk are becoming more and more yellow. This yellowing is also slowly spreading to newer leaves...
  14. C

    Jealous's 156W CFL Rubbermaid Fem'd Bubblicious Grow

    Definitely don't leave your plants while your on a trip with temps hovering that high. You'll come back and they'll be fried. Unscrew all but a few cfl's to keep em alive while you're away. I'd hate to see your crop dead upon your return!
  15. C

    molasses to use or not to use

    Shrubs first, I just got some unsulphered molasses for use in my Foxfarm ocean forest soil for my ladies 3 weeks into flower. Can you explain your last statement. "If you are using EDTA chelated nutrients your salt content would most likely choke out any micro herd you would potentially have...
  16. C

    about 2 weeks left (I think) Any guestimates on yield?

    was that from just one plant? Im gonna guesstimate 50g... just shy of 2 zips dried.
  17. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    Confidential Herb, I just have the PC fans zip-tied to the inside of the grow box in place of where you would put screws and bolts. Thanks for checkin in!
  18. C

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    Update: Day 15 flowering Buds are forming nicely with plenty of pistal development and growth. Did a little more LST to open up the middle of the plant. Upped their nutes today and gave em Floranova bloom at half strength. The clone is gettin nice and bushy as well... Im really pleased...
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    The mysterious life of my mystery nug

    lookin amazingly dank with those purples. late to the party but subbed for this harvest!
  20. C

    Who Dat like sum LST?

    Amazing grow! Absolutely awesome and a real inspiration to everyone out there wanting to give growing a try. You've proven what can be yielded with a few CFL's and a tiny space, and by the looks of it, seems like you should be rewarded with well over an ounce off that one. Check out my grow...