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  1. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    Would I really get an honest answer or would they just tell me it's fine so they could make the sale?
  2. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    thaanks for the input sunny. But I wouldnt try to bring anyy equipment in through customs. they have a hydro store here that sells everything
  3. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    come on there has to be someone here who has some experience here
  4. thetrollsmasher

    Like dead grower I live in costa rica and was wondering if you could give me any pointers on...

    Like dead grower I live in costa rica and was wondering if you could give me any pointers on growing in costa rica?
  5. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    And thanks for the info greenlikemoney. Every bit helps
  6. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    I'm thinking about running 8 1000 watt hps's and 4 600 watt MH's, plus A/C, T5's, About 7 inline fans 8-12 inches, oscillating fans ect
  7. thetrollsmasher

    Hortilux vs other HID bulbs

    is the difference really worth the price? Let me know what you guys think
  8. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    Thanks Vostok, thats some really good info. I may do some outdoor stuff if i find the right location and feel safe doing so but it would be my first time, I've always been an indoor grower which is why I one of my biggest concerns is my electrical use, especially since most people down here do...
  9. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    ttt I know I'm not alone here, there have to be some of you on here in Costa Rica
  10. thetrollsmasher

    Ready to Harvest?

    not even close
  11. thetrollsmasher

    was out side mowing the grass,2 cops

    Considering the OP never came back to post again I wonder if he was seached and busted
  12. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    I know that possession here is pretty much decriminalized for anything less than 200 grams, which is a surprisingly large amount. From the research I've done all I've found is that drug trafficking charges can result in a sentence of 8-15 years but I am having a difficult time finding any...
  13. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    Well that is why I'm asking DeeTee... I want to know if anyone else knows the risk so I can decide if it is worth it or not for me
  14. thetrollsmasher

    Scooby's 6000w Water Cooled Costa Rican Grow Room

    What happened to scoobydoobydoo anyone ever find out?
  15. thetrollsmasher

    Attention Costa Rica Growers

    Hi guys. I am a former grower and am relatively new to Costa Rica and I was thinking about doing some grows out here but i have a couple questions. First is Costa Rica a relatively safe place to grow or am I risking a hefty prison sentence in a foreign country? Also how careful do i have to be...
  16. thetrollsmasher

    First Grow Blue widow

    sounds like the dude got busted before he could ever reap the rewards! Damn shame