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    drying and curing questions

    Whens the best time to harvest half amber half clear?
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    drying and curing questions

    So the longer it cures the higher ill get?
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    drying and curing questions

    Hi.i Have a Plant that's been flowering for 8weeks4days I'm gonna let it grow a few more days before I harvest I wana smoke it on 4/20 so I have like 7-10 days to dry the bud so I was wonderig does curing the bud after drying raise. The potency of it or is it just for flavor and smell?
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    whats the average amout u get off of 200watts of cfl with a 1 month veg?
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    CAN SOMEonE TELL ME WHAT KIND OF A DIFFERENCE IN GRAMS would i get from 150 watt of cfl vs 150 watt hps is
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    Creepy Situation With an Older Lady

    yo let her play with your dick nigga so what if shes got like 2 times the age on u wear a condom then take shit from her house u get to bust a nut and make a few bucks dont be a pussy
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    but its getting worse almost all the leavse are doing it now
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    hahaha tahts exactly what i was gonna say miracle grow idk and going on 6 weeks 3 days
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    the first 4 are of the plant and the buds 5,6 are the 2 arms and the final 2 i need help on all my leaves are turning yellow then getting brown spots and dieing how do i fix that plaz help beofre its to late its speaerding fast
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    o u doing it in a pc case lol i was thinking about trying that the next grow
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    tyvm ive been trying to figure out how to do that since the day i started growing
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    does any onne know how to take a computar fan and turn it in to a exhuat/intake fan like how to wwire it so i can plug it in to a outlet and not a computer
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    the first 3 are my big mama and the last ones just a quick snap of the little girl she doesnt have anything to really show yet but she sprouted white hairs last week so hopefuly in a week i can show it but they have been in flowering for 3 weeks and the big ones growing nice buds ill put more...
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    haha ya im alive my computar got a virus and crashed but i got another one im gonna put more pics on in a few ill take em now do u have any advie on how to get bigger buds
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    one of the plants was male so i killed it heres a pic of the top
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    i stad 12/12 today ill be taking pics at midnight cause thats when the light comes back on so ill have pic in a few
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    ya acuttaly like 80 watts to be exact but i just went to homedepot today and grabed 2 42 watt cfl bulbs but i didnt read the box carefully and i didnt see that it didnt include the ballest till i got home and plugged the bulb in so i have to go back thereand by the lamps for em and i heard the...
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    1st time grow 12/12 from seed

    ok so how many watts of cfl light should i have on those plants for flowerinive got 75 watts of warm white bulbs im gonna go get andother 75 so i getmore or and i good?