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    Liquid cooled light

    Hi all, I'm interested in some water cooled lights for heat noise and because I really want to give them a try. Problem is I can find any uk side anyone know were I may be able to acquire such things? I thought diy but would still touch the 60-85 quid mark so may aswell buy cut any problems...
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    Coming Soon- Dr Greenthumbs Pure G13

    oh man, eyes wide open!
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    drgreenthumb's iranian og kush and enless sky

    should have read more closely! =0
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    drgreenthumb's iranian og kush and enless sky

    there taking off, bro what light ajusta wing and 1000w?
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    haha wong way round im baked
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    the close up of it being held is the ghs rhino cola tip the one not the ghs cheese
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    ok so here are my ghs cheese flowered from clone and a ghs white rhino flower from a bushy mother actualy snapped of one of the main stem lst it (my bad) made a few clones from it tho and its still quite a dense bush of leaves budding up nicely oh there all at the 31/2 4ish 4week of flower rhino...
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    remember this should all be fun and games no need for arguments, ok difference of opinons great im down for that! thats how you learn but there's fire in some of these posts relax and grow good ganja, think ill grab a green house cheese in a min take a quick pic and throw it up. oh got more...
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    Well I dont know whats going on with reporting and whatnot tad over,so you dont favour dr thumbs or their price at least, everybodys entitled to there opinion you have yours others have theres. its age old what strain/breeder is the best, and probably impossible to awnser. on that note I just...
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    drgreenthumb's iranian og kush and enless sky

    im with ya. ok sweet ill keep an eye out.
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    drgreenthumb's iranian og kush and enless sky

    hey hows it going! looking good mate. subscribed if i knew how. you sure there 20gallons? thats around 80 litres by my calculation? ive got a 90 litre bag of rockwhool chippings next to me (which i will use for 20+ clones) i could climb inside given there wasnt any rockwhool in there that would...
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    been doing a bit of reading and on joey weed c99 sounds pretty good to me they only come in non fem tho (which some might prefer) good pricing but just like dr greenthumbs all the way from canada anybody in the uk ordered and received?
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    looking good to me never done a soil grow before but 20 gallons is a bloody lot, ive got 20 clones flowering at the moment cut at about 8-9" with another 20 ready to go in they all ride in 6 litre (4 1/2) gallonish bags and are around a 11"-16"each..
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    looking good to me never done a soil grow before but 20 gallons is a bloody lot, ive got 20 clones flowering at the moment cut at about 8-9" with another 20 ready to go in they all ride in 6 litre (4 1/2) gallonish bags and are around a 11"-16"each..
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    to me it appears the elite strains are around 150-200$ for 5 seeds and his personal strains 150-200$ for 10 seeds maybe 11 with a freebe!?
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    took a peak cali conn bank got some nice bits but there all std seeds (non fem) fems work out easier for me. dna pretty good had some dna lemon skunk for my first grow came out pretty good i thought! tga? who are these dudes? have you tried the doctor? sounds crazy i know but smells and tastes...
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    £48 sounds even better tho lol
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    wyteberrywidow, got any strains you can recomend?
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    haha, that made me smile. i hear you they are very expensive but for you to see more grows someones got to buy them!? why not me! im not rich dont think im too stupid or retarded as you might put it but what the hell im gona order! fingers crossed now! just as a gauge an oz of good weed can be...
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    keep us posted!