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  1. T


    My bad this is the base nutrients i was talking about. And i dont have a ppm meter or a soil meter(bought one online never worked). And i tryed giving it cal mag but maybe it wasnt enuff but thanks for the help everyone hopfully it stays away now.
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    Its just water drops it was smeared in one beacuse i touched it befor i took the picture then 2nd picture was on a differnt plant
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    I keep finding these random spots of water on my leafs
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    I have looked at all the dead leafs all the yellow leafs and some good leafs with my x40 jewlers loop. i noticed a few black dots witch i think r just dirt. I cant see anything moving around at all. Also some of the leafs with these brown dots are next to my fan and blows those branches around...
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    Also i should add that when i start moving leafs around some days to make sure there is no bugs i notice random water on the leafs.
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    Here are some more pictures
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    O and i use pro mix hp soil
  9. T


    Its been happing all over my 3 plants. Bottom leafs and top leafs i got alot of it cutt off now. Find out today when i get home if i have more
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    There white rhino clones i took off my plant in march. My water ph is allways 6.5. Temp has been going up and down where its been so cold out side latly. But stay around 19 to 26. Humidity is around 50 to 65.i been feeding it floral base nutes and b 52 and cal mag but i only give my plants nutes...
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    Noticed that my leaves where starting to do this. Just a few days after i started using a.n b52. Stopped using it and flushed. Tryed cal mag. And i looked for bugs with a jewlers loop whitch i couldnt find. I also dont spray my plants with a water bottle or have a humidifier going. But i still...
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    Growing autos and non autos Together?

    But can i start them 12/12 for 3 4 weeks then go 18/6 to finish it ?
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    Growing autos and non autos Together?

    hey i was wondering if its possible to plant a auto while my non auto is flowering under 12/12 light and after its done put the auto on 18/6. Or would i just fuck the auto up doing that?
  14. T

    What is going on with my leafs?

    I am using pro mix hp. But i am going to let her dry out for a bit and see what happens
  15. T

    What is going on with my leafs?

    Hey this is my first grow. I have only been giving it water and using hp up and down to get down to 6.5. I have 2 other plants doing just fine. But this one looks sick.
  16. T

    Need help.

    So i planted my seeds in jiffy peat tray 2 of them sprouted with in 3 days no problem. Its now day 9 and my 3rd seed is showing no life. I my have fucked it my self i dug around the seed a little yesterday and noticed the taproot is gone it just looks like the seed never cracked open now. Is...
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    this mite be a stupid question but i dont no im a newb at this so

    what dose r.o mean im a newb and i dont no the slang
  18. T

    this mite be a stupid question but i dont no im a newb at this so

    what dose r.o mean im a newb i dont no all the slang to this
  19. T

    this mite be a stupid question but i dont no im a newb at this so

    would water be the best thing to grow with or can u buy something to mix with the water so u can make ur plant have more thc ??
  20. T

    hi i was wondering if anyone could help me out here?

    ok now i have another question should i just use water? or is there something i can use so i can have a Fast grow with high Thc lvls?