Brown spots with bottom leaves curling up.
2nd Wk.
Water temp-68
Tent temp-75
Auto flower
Using GH line
RO Water.
I have two plants growing in separate containers and both have identical symptoms. I didn’t splash nutes on them either.
Any help would be awesome.
Droopy leaves.
Sour diesel haze auto. Day 10
3 gallon tote DWC set up.
RO Water
Water temp-68 degrees
Big air stone
No signs of drooping last night.
My seed has sprouted but roots aren’t coming out the bottom. Should I go ahead and put it in bucket or leave it in tray?
And if it put it in DwC bucket should i put nutes in water or just plain RO water until roots emerge from rapid rooter?
Thanks guys.
From a newbie of hydroponics. Not...