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  1. BudBoxBoy

    Topping Violator Kush,...Good or Bad???

    Thanks for that...I think i am going to start another two seeds to grow mother plants and just flower the two topped ones cos they seem to have slowed right down now...
  2. BudBoxBoy

    Topping Violator Kush,...Good or Bad???

    Hi everyone,... I was wondering if anybody had any experience with topping violator kush from Barney's Farm.. After I had done it I was told that it wasnt a good idea as heavy indicas dont like being topped.. So do you reckon i should just get some more on the go or will the girls be OK? Thanks...
  3. BudBoxBoy

    Has anyone grown Violator Kush before...??

    sorry.... Bit rusty, Have been busy with Critical Jack... Point taken Wont be asking silly questions again
  4. BudBoxBoy

    Has anyone grown Violator Kush before...??

    Hi everyone,.. I was wondering if anyone got any advice about growing Violator Kush....??? Any advice would be great Kidd
  5. BudBoxBoy

    Newbie here, almost set to start growing, your input will be greatly appreciated.

    If you want a good cfl bulb get one like this.... About the humidity.. Just run the fans as short as possible to keep heat down and use a fine sprayer to spray the seedlings/small plants to keep the humidity up...
  6. BudBoxBoy

    Newbie here, almost set to start growing, your input will be greatly appreciated.

    Just remember also that the bulbs are just 100w replacement running at 23 watts.. Im in UK and its a bit different here but like NONHater says put another 4 socket and more bulbs.. out of 8 bulbs, when your vegging put 6x6400K bulbs and 2x2700K bulbs and then when you flower go the other way...
  7. BudBoxBoy

    Any one know the answer to this...?

    Half Hen and Half Cock.... Weird But a bit cool at the same time
  8. BudBoxBoy

    Any one know the answer to this...?

    What i understand is that a gynandromorphic hermaphrodite is.... Any organism that has for example, on the left side a full set of male chromosones and on the right side a full set of female chromosones...I was just wondering if weed can be like this. I have seen the chicken that is half...
  9. BudBoxBoy

    Any one know the answer to this...?

    Hi everyone.. Does anyone know the answer to this question, Can cannabis plants be gynandromorphic hermaphrodites...??
  10. BudBoxBoy

    THE BIG DEBATE:- Which hydroponic system is best for a Hydro virgin with not much £

    good point.....thats got me thinking:wall: Nice 1
  11. BudBoxBoy

    THE BIG DEBATE:- Which hydroponic system is best for a Hydro virgin with not much £

    Hey people, I have been growing in soil and i fancy upgrading to a hydro system.... What one should i go for??? I was looking at an NFT setup cos i have read that it can give great results and is easy to use, unlike aeroponics which gives brilliant results but can be a bit hard to get...
  12. BudBoxBoy

    Germinated Seeds first soil? Help please, i'm quite confused?!

    No probs....Remember what silky said, Seedlings wont need feeding anything for the first 2-3 weeks(minimum) and then only light feedings after that depending on the soil u use...(you wont need anything for 3-4 weeks with Bio-Bizz light mix). Watch your plants carefully they are really good at...
  13. BudBoxBoy

    Germinated Seeds first soil? Help please, i'm quite confused?!

    hi there... BioBizz light mix is a perfect medium for your seedlings..... I use plagram light mix which is the same thing made by another company..... Its called light mix cos its not got as much fertilizer as the normal BioBizz all mix......This means that you can tailor your feed amounts to...
  14. BudBoxBoy

    lighting question

    In my opinion STAY AWAY FROM LED's.......NASA did a test with them to see if you can grow veggies in space and they abandoned the project cos they found out that they are TOTALLY USELESS!!!!!!!.... They also give off quite alot of heat, its just that they have inbuilt fans and a heat sync in the...
  15. BudBoxBoy


    Its also about how you get the lumens... 250 Watt CFL gives less lumens than 250 Watt H.P.S......You will get heavier more compact buds from H.P.S.... I think CFL is even better than M.H for veggin cos you can keep the lamp about 3inch away from plant tops so less lumen loss...
  16. BudBoxBoy


    Hi there... I live in the U.K and i have never been able to get those CFL curly bulbs.... I use a 10 inch 250 Watt CFL in the blue spectrum (6500K) it cost about £60 and it says on the box 19500 lumens This is for the veggin stage and then I swap to a 600 Watt HID lamp with a Grolux bulb for...
  17. BudBoxBoy

    Week 4 flowering, how does it look?

    all the nutes have a NPK value.....TNT complex for vegging is NPK 3+2+3 and 50Mls in 10Ltr water.......Bloom Complex is NPK 4+3+5 and 50Mls in 10 Lts water....... Phos Plus is PK 7+5 and 25Mls in 10 Ltr water, the powerzyme and supervit are EC and PH neutral..... The supervit is 25 vitiams and...
  18. BudBoxBoy

    Week 4 flowering, how does it look?

    i was just watering my plants and i had a good look and the leaves dont feel as brittle as i thought but they have folded up are small and dark green........Its weird
  19. BudBoxBoy

    Week 4 flowering, how does it look?

    hesi soil nutes.....Bloom feed @ 4+3+5 and phosphouros plus @ PK 7+5 and a supervit
  20. BudBoxBoy

    Week 4 flowering, how does it look?

    the only thing i dont have is a humidity meter