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  1. M

    Little Brown spots on my plants

    OK so my lowest leaves on the plant started with little brown spots. I added a small amount of an organic Cal+MG by general organics..and the leaves now have curled up and have large grey spots. My instrincts are telling me that I have root issues either from overwatering or from god knows...
  2. M

    Little Brown spots on my plants

    Thank you kindly for the reply :)
  3. M

    Little Brown spots on my plants

    Hey all! Ok so I noticed that just about a week or two before I started fertilizing my plants (pre veg stage) that little brown spots started to appear on some of my leafs. I have a book (Medical Marijuana Horticulture) or something like that, and the only thing I found in the book was that...
  4. M

    lighting question

    Thanks so much for your help Mike! I think I will go with the non LED. It's cheaper and I've seen it work in many situations (via internet/friends). Do you know if I'll have to get a different bulb for the flowering stage though?
  5. M

    lighting question

    Good Morning everyone :) I just harvest my first crop and as a newbie I see I made several big mistakes, from too much fertilizer to too much water etc. my plants were actually intersexed OR hermaphrodites, so I cut them and am starting over... SOOO I have a question on two lights that are...
  6. M

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone :) New member here, first time grower. I'm doing things very low tech and it's working. I've bought a book I've talked to the guys at two local hydro supply stores and everything they said wouldn't work is far. I'm using those full-spectrum bulbs you get at...
  7. M

    can I trick my sensi plant back into vegitative growth after harvest?

    Hey guys, new member and new grower here, well I started back in August and my plants are about a week into floweriing. I was wondering if I could trick my plants back into vegetative growth once I have harvested the buds? OR am I going to have to clone the tops in order to keep things...