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  1. P

    Is this male or female please help?

    Ok ill leave it a few more days then ill make a new thread thanks for help
  2. P

    Is this male or female please help?

    there like hairs but nottt and theres a little one growing behind each one its sort of like a shoot of grass im a first time grower no experience best pics i can get atm sorry :(
  3. P

    Is this male or female please help?

    This is my cheese plant 5 days into flowering is it a male or female thanks!
  4. P

    Nutes help how much!!

    Thanks for the replys guyz where would i be without you"!! :D
  5. P

    Isit ok to turn the lights on during dark cycle?

    cheers for replys guys.
  6. P

    Isit ok to turn the lights on during dark cycle?

    my plants 1 week into flowering on 12/12 if i want to turn the light on to have a sneak peak is it ok?
  7. P

    Nutes help how much!!

    dude i know that im just wondering when i feed my plant should i use normal watering water to water it aswel.
  8. P

    Nutes help how much!!

    im confused can people help me! says on the bottle use with every watering so that means ii water the plant then feed the nutes?
  9. P

    Nutes help how much!!

    Ive got the mix ready im just wondering actually how much shouild i give my plant
  10. P

    Nutes help how much!!

    Basicaly ive got my bio bizz bloom and my plants 5 days into flowering ive got the mix ready im just wondering how often shall i feed it and how much shall i give it and shall i water it at the same time :s cheers
  11. P

    My 1st Grow in soil, White Widow + Blue Cheese

    Looks like a nice healthy grow bro nice work keep it up!
  12. P

    Should i take a clone?

    just took the clone and the stem is block thick is this right? i though the stems had a hole all the way up
  13. P

    Miracle grow question please help!

    cant get that in england ive searched
  14. P

    Should i take a clone?

    Im just wondering if it would be worth me taking a branch for a clone its the 3rd day of flowering its around 4-6 inches bigger than that now.
  15. P

    Best way to dry bud for sampling??

    cheers for that info dude!:bigjoint:
  16. P

    Miracle grow question please help!

    cheers do you mean a 1/4 strength of the reccomendations on the box?
  17. P

    Miracle grow question please help!

    thanks for the info guys!
  18. P

    Miracle grow question please help!

    Basically guys ive got miracle grow all purpose soluble plant food in the blue power form, it tells me to use one small (1.25ml) spoon to every 1 litre of water but i dont know if thats the correct ratio so can someone please enlighten me on which mixture i should use thanks!
  19. P

    Help 1st day flowering leaves have blotches and die!

    can someone please help me i dont even know if i should go ahead and bud it!