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  1. F

    flowering for 4 weeks at 55 degrees F or lower

    Just to inform the harvest ended up being 2.5 oz. dry all together. 1 oz from the indica and 1.5 from the sativa. and this was without extending the flowering period. I flowered exactly 65 days till harvest.
  2. F

    Not sure about using humidifier

    how did everyone get on this humidity topic ? The question was will the steam damage my lights that's it. I know about low humidity increasing trichs. My buds are completely covered with them. why's everyone answering a question no one asked ?
  3. F

    Not sure about using humidifier

    I mean its 40 - 50 degrees outside but I just checked the news and its actually 33° and this affects my plants because grow area is in a separate part of my apt that's not insulated. Its really a utility closet I have access to. So my grow area gets pretty cold even with the heater and lights...
  4. F

    Not sure about using humidifier

    O.K. thanks no humidifier then. Its like 40°-55°F everyday where I'm at so humidity should be about 15 % or lower I'm guessing. But can I spray them a once in a while just in case ?
  5. F

    Not sure about using humidifier

    I've read from other growers that you want to have humidity around 40-50% when flowering
  6. F

    Not sure about using humidifier

    I am about to start flowering 9 plants in a week or so and I want to use my humidifier in my grow room. I'm just not sure whether it will cause any damage to my hps bulbs because I removed the plastic covers. So can I use it or will my bulbs crack and break ? I won't try using it until I get...
  7. F

    Master's quick drying technique.

    the pilot lights are the lights that ignite the burners (where you place you pots/pans. just lift up your stove from the front and you will see them. oh yeah they're only on gas stoves not electric
  8. F

    Master's quick drying technique.

    In my attempt to get high without spending the cash I had left I decided to quick dry some of my bud. I don't know if anyone else has posted this but auto-curing seems the best way so far. I cut some buds off my plant trimmed them put em in an airtight jar and placed it on the pilot lights on...
  9. F

    buds with no fan leaves

    well I am 6 week into flowering and my sativa is hurting bad. Nearly every fan leaf is curling, yellow and dying except maybe 2. My question is should I harvest if all fan leaves die or should I continue to let it grow (if it is) till the final weeks. The plant did receive 4 weeks of cold stress...
  10. F

    How many cfls do I need??? Please help

    the 85 watt 6500k bulbs are fine for vegging but u should try to get a hps for flowering it will produce a lot more lumens than a cfl and the spectrum is 2000k which is better for what the plants use when flowering.
  11. F

    seeds and strting up

    as long as they are the right color spectrum they should be good. 4100k is good 6500k is optimal just keep em close since the light shines in every direction and watch em grow.
  12. F

    flowering for 4 weeks at 55 degrees F or lower

    how much does a 400 watt hps cost and where can I get it ? My only guess is a electrical supply store but won't that make it too hot? I can place the 70 watters like 3 inches from the plants with no problems. Will it make a difference in yield or potency because i'll just wait till the next grow...
  13. F

    flowering for 4 weeks at 55 degrees F or lower

    the electricity cost is not a issue but do you think I need more light the area is about 12 sq. ft. but I can fit more in. I'll try to post some pics right away I just don't really know how to use this site, notice how I post everything twice. will be back in a jiff wit some pics
  14. F

    flowering for 4 weeks at 55 degrees F or lower

    thanks for the reply it is greatly appreciated I've never had this problem because I've always grew in the summertime. I'm growing in miracle grow and using the bloom booster also. my lighting is 3 70 & 1 50 watt hps 2 30 watt cfl's 2700k and 2 44 watt cfl's 3000k and 1 44 watt blue flourex...
  15. F

    flowering for 4 weeks at 55 degrees F or lower

    thanks for the reply its really appreciated because this never happened before I always grew in the summertime. I hope I get at least 3/4 ounce dry each when done from the size of them. I'm growing in miracle grow and getting nute burn from using the bloom booster too strong I guess. Lighting...
  16. F

    flowering for 4 weeks at 55 degrees F or lower

    Hello anyone out there ???
  17. F

    I've been currently flowering 2 32 inch plants one indica the other sativa. My growroom has been...

    I've been currently flowering 2 32 inch plants one indica the other sativa. My growroom has been a constant 55 degrees at night and 70 max at days they are showing slow bud growth like really slow, so will thet recover if I raise temps and give em some extra time.
  18. F

    I've currently been flowering 2 32 inch plants one indica and the other mostly sativa about one...

    I've currently been flowering 2 32 inch plants one indica and the other mostly sativa about one month into. My growroom has been a constant 55 degrees or lower at nights and 70 max. days. The buds are too small for this much time. Will they recover if I raise temps and give them a little extra time.
  19. F

    flowering for 4 weeks at 55 degrees F or lower

    Well i've currently been flowering 2 32 inch plants for a month one indica and the other a sativa ( I think) they are both bagseed. My growroom gets really cold at night like 55 or under and it's like 70 max. during the day. I've grown before and the buds are to small for this much time. Does...