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  1. wineglut

    does light really degrade thc

    Although the study below looked at the photo conversion of CBD to THC on resin from fiber type C. sativa, it did show no change in THC concentration after a week under much stronger light than you would find anywhere on earth. Perhaps long term exposure for several years would show something...
  2. wineglut

    for better yeild?

    I have a question about yield. I just finished my first grow, getting a little over 12 oz of dried cured herb from 12 square feet and six plants (my limit in Napa County). I had maybe a 15 small sized, moderately gooey colas and about as many smaller shoots that didn't quite form a cola, each...
  3. wineglut

    Fuck, I think I have powder mildew!!!!

    Powdery mildew thrives in humidity, but it's spores are killed by water. Reduce humidity, but don't be afraid to wet the leaves as long as you can dry them out. It seems like a contradiction, but it isn't. There are systemic fungicides and things like elemental sulfur which you can spray, but...
  4. wineglut


    One quibble about not worrying about dark temps. Plants don't stop working when the sun goes down. They continue to respire and produce the building blocks needed for growth. The warmer your dark temps the more dark respiration, and within limits, the more a plant may put photosynthetic sugars...
  5. wineglut


    brayo - I think you are right to be concerned about temps. Photosynthesis is extremely temperature dependent and at 62 degree it just creeps along. In the plant I know best, the grape vine, you get a tripling of photosythesis in a fairly linear graph from 60 degrees to 90 degrees. I would...
  6. wineglut

    Led Users Unite!

    yep, regarding summer. I should have stated that I know I wouldn't be able to grow in my garage in the summer with the hps. I could probably halve the space and use the leds. Since it is legal as medicinal pot, I plan to move the next crop outside after veg and see how tall I can get them. I...
  7. wineglut

    Led Users Unite!

    I am in the middle of my first grow. Started mid oct. Room is 3 by 4 and 7 feet tall, in garage, no heating, coming on to winter. I started out with LED's. My wife was on my back about power usage and my son had an led unit from college that he used, but it wasn't strong enough and he gave up...