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  1. C

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    hey guys just wanted to know if white widdow is really as hard to grow as other people have been sayin it is... i am endless sky right now and that one will be done in a month or so and i am deciding between northern lights or WW for my next batch... please let me know what you guys think....
  2. C

    HELP!! Nute burn issues?! Deformed leaves, dark red stems!

    Yea, i was going to feed them today but I guiess your right I will stick to watering for now. Its been over a week since we flushed and theyre not that much better do you recommend i flush a 2nd time??? I was going to do a normal watering today if not. they are the wierdest day...
  3. C

    HELP!! Nute burn issues?! Deformed leaves, dark red stems!

    Hey everyone I have some major issues goin on with my girls. First i'll give you some background info. They're grown in soil and are about 5-6 weeks into veg state...the temp is around 70-75 degrees and the humidity stays between 55-60. The ph is around 6.5. A couple weeks ago we transplanted...