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  1. D

    Can you change my username?

    Please change my username to (hungryone) Thanks
  2. D

    Experiments At The Cutting Edge-Part 2

    I didn't publish the data for every single wavelength, if you want to I could. My conclusions about the difference in spectrum coverage of the different lighting types is that most CFL's and Metal Halides, have a very low output in the 620-680 nm range, and for those of you who now about the...
  3. D

    Experiments At The Cutting Edge-Part 2

    Forgot to add: the figures for the fluorescents are for 18 W T8's 32 W are about 30% more effecient I think, I'll have to look it up!
  4. D

    Experiments At The Cutting Edge-Part 2

    So I spent the weekend using excel and the graphs of the spectrums of differing lamps to make a comparison that rather suprised me. The Fluorescent spectrums are from Osram which I believe is Sylvania in the states the High Pressure lamps spectrums are from Sylvania. There shouldn't be much of...