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  1. Reefer Madness!

    stealth first grow.

    thats really cool, looking forward to see how it turns out. are you using bagseed?
  2. Reefer Madness!

    Cheap and Easy Hash Technique!,

    yeah very informative. great job!
  3. Reefer Madness!

    my first plant

    yeah i think ill try to make some hash using the ice water method. what all can i use from the plant and how do i prepare it?
  4. Reefer Madness!

    Cheap and Easy Hash Technique!,

    would i still only get one pellet if i used a 1/4 of straight bud?
  5. Reefer Madness!

    I am so scared now.

    yeah dude you cant let some animal keep you away from your plants!
  6. Reefer Madness!

    my first plant

    but ill still be able to get SOME bud off it right?
  7. Reefer Madness!

    my first plant

    so i planted this seed earlier this year and i think its finally budding. but one problem, i dont really know anything about growing but i think it might be a hermy, cus it has seeds and its the only plant around here. what do you guys think?
  8. Reefer Madness!


    that sucks! how many plant did "your buddy" have growing?
  9. Reefer Madness!


    hey guys, i created my account so i could learn about growin, cus smokin is expensive. earlier this year i planted some bagseed in my back yard and its finally starting to bud!!! im so excited and looking forward to growing more next season!