Search results

  1. Sinclue

    Can you ID these BUGS for me?

    Indeed, but there are some 30 different types of aphids and root aphids weren't mentioned by Grizzly, just your standard "above ground" aphids that have a way different appearance. Been there, know what to look for. Thought it would be best to know as exactly as possible which specific beastie...
  2. Sinclue

    Can you ID these BUGS for me?

    My wife took the picture by a couple of our local Hydro shops...immediately identified as root aphids (good call xochilives). As I'm only dealing with a small number of plants Azamax was recommended. Immerse the plants/pots (in my case hydroton in 4" plastic pots). Repeat every three days...
  3. Sinclue

    Can you ID these BUGS for me?

    Not sure why you assumed I didn't do any investigating. Posting was last resort. Tried texts, online, other grower friends, other grow sites, etc. Googled as many variations of appropriate search terms as I could think of but its hard to Google an image if you don't know the name of what you...
  4. Sinclue

    Can you ID these BUGS for me?

    Thanks, tried that, lots of good info, but couldn't identify "my" particular bugs from it.
  5. Sinclue

    Can you ID these BUGS for me?

    I found these floating in the nutes during flooding. Don't seem to actually be on the plants themselves that I can readily see. In flowering tent with six plants six weeks along and 4 plants two weeks along. Just going to start four more (three different rezs). Don't seem them in Veg or Moms...
  6. Sinclue

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Measures 21.5 inches in diameter. (22" to outside of lip at top). FYI 3' tall. :peace:
  7. Sinclue

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Here is a very complete explanation of the whole TDS/PPM/EC business: In it he says this about conversion factors: There are three conversion factors which various manufacturers use for displaying...
  8. Sinclue

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    OK, so I just fired it up for another test run after letting it sit overnight. Water level rose to the float, the float moved up and appeared to seat, and the water kept rising. I reached in and pushed it down and let it float up several times. Water level kept rising. I put my finger under...
  9. Sinclue

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Thanks for the idea about using less in the reservoir. Makes sense...also to premix your nutes for adding back. I'm only running straight water now to test the system. Just put it through two cycles without problem. Wish that made me feel better, but since I didn't change anything since the...
  10. Sinclue

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    All systems are assembled per directions and working as they should. The elbow connection has a hole in it that drips nicely when the controller is filling from the reservoir. Just started the system up yesterday so it has 50+ gallons in the reservoir. No kinking of lines. All assembled per...
  11. Sinclue

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Only one valve at high water (fill) level. There are two at the bottom (drain). Do other people have two valves high and low? Just ran another cycle before bed. Worked without problem.
  12. Sinclue

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    It took me several evenings after work, but I finally got mine all set up. I only have a small space (4x4) and have decided to start off with 8 pots (on 1”risers as suggested here). Good thing too, because two of the outer pots came with cracks in the bottom. Have to address that with the...