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  1. Poof

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    I fixed that for ya'. :razz: Thank you from the bottom of my tank Sir! Your drawings have made it perfectly clear. Now, what guage of wire from the breaker ---->timer----->ballast box? .........and lastly, what can I use to repair the insulation on the ballast that i soldered...
  2. Poof


    :peace: .................:joint:
  3. Poof

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Holy sh*t I've found a straight answer! Thanks Brother! a drawing would be the cat's meow:hump: Another question..... the two common wires came loose of due to fatigue. I had no choice but to remove the insulation to get to it. Am I f*cked or can I solder it back and use something like...
  4. Poof

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    First off I would like to say that your dedication is greatly appreciated Thank you, second - I'm a complete noob to growing my own, but that will come in due time. My first hobby is reefkeeping (growing corals), I am building my dream tank and need some help with wiring the ballasts. I can't...
  5. Poof

    WoooooHooooo Howdy Y'all !!!

    This site has the answers I've been looking for so I joined. :lol: I'm actually a reefkeeper, meaning I grow coral. In my recent dreamtank build I added a "greenroom" in the attic as part of the remodel. I am looking forward to learning another hobby and want to do it right. P
  6. Poof

    home security system

    Father and Son, forever vigilant and access to the entire house via dog doors - they recently foiled an attempted burglary. Between the cacti and the animals you'd figure it wasn't worth it....but some idiots haven't a clue!