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  1. S

    Led Users Unite!

    there are a lot of small personal growers on here actually...
  2. S

    Led Users Unite!

    ^^^ wow man i hope you have impeccable timing 660nm420, i know for a fact i'd botch that up somehow, so happy to have digitally controlled timers handle that on/off business, now if only there was a simple way to have the light move to the next grow tent once it's turn off automatically?
  3. S

    LED Light Users. Please Click Here!

    wow that's a risk, but man if you got the ca$h to toss why not i scored on a haight solid state ppf-400 through craigslist, only $160 and no waiting around for shipping, it's totally got my 2'x4' veg space covered
  4. S

    Paris Hilton-"Lets smoke some fucking herb!"

    i wouldn't sexually touch or get anywhere near that chick or any chick like that, but i would definitely burn one with her, one of my hobbies is also to lay out in the sun and get mad baked on the pacific coast, love it, beautiful day today btw
  5. S

    Is Eveyone Here At RIU Fucking Spoiled On Good Herb???

    hey man....i smoke kind of a lot, i had some lowryder #2 that was grown outdoors last fall and it was awesome, people talk mad smack on it but i really dgaf as they don't have to touch it then if they feel so hostile towards it....i dug it so much, as well as think it's autoflower trait is ideal...
  6. S

    Led Users Unite!

    proxy servers = who knows if it's a honeypot or not, same with tor nodes, same with "real hide ip" and any other hide your identity service provider, make sure your metadata isn't giving you away either, if you're paranoid there may be very good reason to be so, i would love to see that much led...
  7. S

    Led Users Unite!

    i have 4 of the sunshine systems glowpanel 45 led lamps, they are okay but nothing super impressive, i was getting them for about $110 each which was worth it at the time, they kick ass for only 28 watts imho, have 2 supplementing in flower and 2 in my clone/sprout/baby cabinet i have never...
  8. S

    Led Users Unite!

    ...the lumigrow es 165 isn't as bright to my eyes as i had expected, the haight solid state ppf-400 appears to be much much brighter, alas i am not a plant
  9. S

    Led Users Unite!

    it's too cold! i'm going to move these to a different area next to the flowering spot and route the flowering chamber's hps exhaust to an intake in the led veg area....too cold at ~60f!
  10. S

    Led Users Unite!

    my veg area is really cold now that i have eliminated all hid lighting, i am considering running the hid exhaust from my flower chamber into veg chamber in order to bring some heat in
  11. S

    Led Users Unite!

    links to any led sellers? links to the gotham hydro site for their 240 watt panel? well here's the latter straight from google - maybe you posted this nutrient and coco related question in this led thread by...
  12. S

    Led Users Unite!

    picked up a used haight solid state ppf 400 last night, great deal too, saved about $100 compared to if i ordered it brand new. it's installed in place of my 250 watt hps in veg, here's a pic of it in action, i lowered it to about 10" from the top of the tallest plant this morning so please...
  13. S

    Led Users Unite!

    ^^^ i forget which forum, but this guy was talking of building custom led grow lamps, where you could direct a bank of leds right at a bud, so you could have each giant cola with it's own small led array directed right at it, i thought it was an interesting idea
  14. S

    i just returned a year old light bulb for $$$

    true dat honestly, i'm thinking we all just got trolled by this joker
  15. S

    Led Users Unite!

    in this instance it looks like: tri band - red/blue/orange quad band - red/blue/orange/white there is debate on whether orange is very beneficial or not, white seems to be added often since it is generally in the blue spectrum i'd be super iffy on either of these, if i had a gun to my head...
  16. S

    11 weeks enough for flower after 10 weeks of veg?

    didn't read all the responses assuming the plants have shown preflowers already, flowering time is not affected by veg time if i grow my 14 week thai and let it veg for 2 weeks, or 200 weeks, it is still going to flower for 14 weeks until it's done
  17. S

    Help! 6 weeks into flowering No bud

    what is your light cycle? sorry i know that's a lame question, but it could be relevant, as you didn't mention what it was so far all we know you're trying to flower with 20 on 4 off/18 on 6 off
  18. S

    i just returned a year old light bulb for $$$

    that's an asshole move, not something to be commended on stealing is lame, thieves whether petty or big time get no respect from me.
  19. S

    Led Users Unite!

    it's the spectrums that the light spits out tri or quad doesn't tell anyone which spectrums are being used though a tri band could be red/far red/blue, maybe red/blue/white, maybe red/blue/ir so without knowing which bands the tri or quad are talking about, it's hard for anyone to say
  20. S

    You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!!!

    wow that sucks man, sorry to hear =(