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  1. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Grrr stupid lawn

    Liquor and whores.....only things you need.
  2. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Post Videos that you love to listen when baked Doesnt get much better.
  3. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

    That it one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard. A gun didnt ruin that man and his daughters life, another man with poor judgment did.
  4. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Vagina scented perfume....

    Im clappig out loud on this end
  5. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Do you think?

    Do you think anyones ever had to go to the hospital for mistakenly putting crazy glue into their eyes, thinking it was just regular eye drops? I bet.......I bet
  6. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    hip hop

    Chip tha Ripper and Wiz Khalifa are my favorites, La Coka Nostra as well.
  7. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    god dam happy day

    Ill beat you all: While walking back into my house after an 8-hour work shift at 3 in the morning just now, I mistakenly tripped/kicked a sleeping raccoon so hard they he bounced off the door (while screaming the whole time) and landed again at my feet before scurrying into the driveway where he...
  8. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    almost time 2 fish

    Heres some from last spring doing some ice fishing:
  9. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    RIU Longboarders

    When I was in highschool I did it all the time, only really good hills we had were nicely paved parking garages and we'd just bomb down those in "rush-hour traffic" so we'd be carving around cars all the time 3 boarders deep. No one ever got hurt amazingly but it was fun. I still do from time...
  10. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Weed withdrawl lonleliness...

    You need to smoke some more weed to chill your ass out, seriously. I aint seen you do nothing but bitch at people, relax.
  11. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Damn, amazing curl on that ram.
  12. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    True wisdom and great story. Positive rep points for you sir.
  13. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Do you smoke before work???

    Im pretty sure the only job I havent smoked at was my first job when I was 15 lol. Other than that, yes I do. Ive had those jobs where you absolutely have to smoke before/during/after or youd go crazy (i.e. 6am-2pm Janitor) and ive had jobs where you do because if you didnt youd be a dumbass for...
  14. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Anyone else notice this?

    Ive been drinking beer all morning and feel indifferent. Then my brother comes back from fishing with a bag and after one hit my day in instantly 100000 times better. Food for thought.
  15. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Worst/Best Night Ever

    I was just waiting for you to say the keys were in your pocket the whole time.
  16. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Haha, I seen that the other day, small world. I couldnt believe someone else uses that name.
  17. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Stoner Heaven

    Id roll a blunt (only so because I couldn't get any glass out there) of some mango or some strawberry cough and go for a hike with my brother. Hard to say where Id go; either some old growth hardwood forest or id snowshoe to the top of King Mtn in Ontario, but I grew up doing that kind of stuff...
  18. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    I got another one that happened just recently. I got a twin brother but as time goes by and we get older, we dont see eachother as much as we used to. School and girlfriends often get in the way of us hanging out anymore. We were both home for the holidays and we both had a good amount of...
  19. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    It's snowing again over here...

    Im looking out my window right now at almost 4 ft of the white stuff. Its always funny when people get all worried over an inch or two :-P
  20. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    Nevermind, article went dead

    Nevermind, article went dead.