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  1. K


    Your info is seriously dated... talking about that back in 1994*. This is your idea of a "positive" conspiracy? Yep, sounds legit... " A SKY SHIELD TO COMBAT GLOBAL WARMING? The tankers' aluminum powder emissions also matched the Welsbach patent. Issued in 1994 to...
  2. K


    I bet you were relieved to read that several years ago? LOL So when do they/did they start testing on these artificial "cloud" masses? What do they intend on doing to them? Forming grids overhead? Steering them N,E,W,S? Manipulating them? How? With what? Magnetic energy? In the form of what...
  3. K


    wtf lol I'm not arguing, just telling you how it is. I popped in to have a good time, didn't you? :roll:
  4. K


    I believe "patriot" is the word you're struggling for. And what's with the man-ass avatar?
  5. K


    They should know why no quarter will be given. ;)
  6. K


    It's ignorance mixed with a large ego. Poof.... another SHEEP. :clap: Apologies to the OP, i can't help myself when the cloud appreciation society shows up. :hump:
  7. K


    Pollution, lol.... you're seeing dolphins on the vase (it's an intimate pose, i swear).
  8. K


    I can sleep every night and wake up every morning with being called "paranoid" or crazy or even a "dumbass powder" inhaler IF as you say, chemtrail theories are wrong. Now... being a traitor, that's a different story. I don't know how many mornings i'd be allowed to wake with that label on my...
  9. K


    Ack! A small group of bullies who don't like chemtrail theories! :o Everything points to something very sinister and very illegal. I'm not ok with being a test subject. Nor am I ok with the person standing next to me saying "nah it's fine" when that person has his eyes closed shut. :-P I...
  10. K


    lol :clap: You can keep that critical thinker. :idea:
  11. K


    I've been observing for the last 7 years from mainly the east coast. What got me interested in them more than anything were the reactions i saw from others when the topic was brought up. The behavior from those who didn't agree with the "theory" was alarming and still is, a red flag for me. It's...
  12. K

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hello! I was hoping someone could help me with a question regarding computer power supplies. :confused: I am currently using the only PSU i had laying around, a 500w Antec, to power two computer fans inside a box. They are the average size computer fans, Thermaltake (i think they say 72+...
  13. K

    Powering some 12v fans

    Works great for me! I also added/spliced a few extra feet of wire to the 4 pin connector so i could keep my PSU (500W) outside the box.
  14. K

    REVENGE!!!! plz read

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." - Confucius bongsmilie
  15. K

    need help wiring fans

    Hey bud, i just hooked 2 pc fans up myself. (One is exhaust (w/passive intake) and one is blowing on the babies.) :hump: I power both with an extra Antec 500W PSU (from an older PC build of mine.). I wanted to try the cell phone charger route too, i found 6 of 'em upstairs but they were...
  16. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone. I've been devouring information on this site/forum since i found it (last month or so). I just wanted to say thank you. ...back to reading!