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  1. Dale Kid

    Whats the key to sticky bud?

    most of it depends on what strain of bud your growing.
  2. Dale Kid

    questions about buying seeds online

    sweet. cheers for your help guys!
  3. Dale Kid

    questions about buying seeds online

    cheers heaps potgrower3345:) i shall check that out! and also. on flying dutchman when they say 120g or whatever, do they mean from 120g roughly from each plant? Peace
  4. Dale Kid

    questions about buying seeds online

    so if i were to order 2 or 3 seeds from nirvana, would i have a pretty good chance of getting them safetly? and how do they go about packing them? what kind of packaging do they come in? thanks!
  5. Dale Kid

    questions about buying seeds online

    what about shipping to the big Aus? Does anyone know the deal with that? Peace
  6. Dale Kid

    hermie prob

    sorry for butting in on your thread but this seems the time too ask anyone who knows. ive got a huge plant thats hermie and has 30 days left in flowering. also in my setup is a kooootaahhhh clone thats only been in there a few weeks. i really want my clone too be in the setup but i know it will...
  7. Dale Kid

    hermie prob

    Im picking the male parts from my hermie atm and it seems too be working well. a few people on RollItUp have told me they've had success in doing it. and it depends if it's for personal use or other reasons too, if it's persy then why not give it a try? id seek further information but cause im...
  8. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    i really dont know! i planted 9 seeds and got 9 sprouts. 1 ended up dieing ,1 turned hermie, 2 were male, 3 are now bushies and these 2 hydros. the hermie i had is NOTHING!!!! like this one, if it is one. thats the only reason why i wont believe it. if them balls didnt open out i would chop it...
  9. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    theres no seed clusters. my mate just pulled a male and mine is nothing like his was. ive had a hermie from an grow outside and it was the EXACT same seed as this one! and i know its 100% different. this plant looks nothing like ive seen before.
  10. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    ill let it go and see aye. thanks dude!
  11. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    as long as they keep opening and spitting hairs im happy. i cant get better pics:( i used my phone for them ones and our actual camera has worse quality than the phone hahah. keep leaving your comments of what you think. cheers darkdestruction420!!
  12. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    thats why i was gonna chop it, but them "balls" we speak of dont get hard. they end up opening out and becoming flowers with white hairs. every single one ive been watching over the past week and a bit has done that. i want jawbrodt to come back and have a look:) the plant these seeds came...
  13. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    heres the pics people :S you can definatly see what im talking about. the balls are opening and theres white hairs.
  14. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    some look like that. but after the balls reach full size they bust out with hairs. and i just went and took pics and the hairs are everywhere. the balls ive ben watching are now opening into bud sites and once again have hairs. its really trippy! another reason why i think its female not hermie...
  15. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    well i had the secateurs up too it about 3 times ready to hack it of! but because of my deadline i didnt. there should be attachments with this post of my plant i thought was male. nothig too do with the balls yet, the lights arnt on.
  16. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    OOOMMMMMGGGGG YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!:D thats exactly what i have!! ball looking things with stems that have busted out into bud site type things. jawbrodt! im so glad you said that hahah. pics soon hopefully. thankyou!!
  17. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    i moved it back in about 3 days ago. there under a 400 watt hps and it seems to be getting soooooooo many hairs everywhere. i will be very closely watching it dont worry haha. ill try get pics and ill post them in a few hours or so. thanks man!
  18. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    my phone camera wont pick it up. ill wait for the lights too come on and ill get the proper camera and try. basically ALL the balls i thought were male have now sprouted out white hairs and are flowering out into bud sites:S its really really weird. do you think that week of no light could...
  19. Dale Kid

    white haired balls?

    i have 2 plants both at about 1 meter tall. one of them turned definate male, it had balls everywhere. and because im on a deadline with the money from this crop for a holiday i didnt chop it. i took it out of my setup and left it in the games room with only a tiny bit of light for a week. i...
  20. Dale Kid

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Hey man. I have 2 plants plenty big enough to turn to flower now but i got 2 koota clones rooted from a mate about a week ago that i couldnt pass up. they've only just showed new growth today, if i turn to an 8 week flower now, will the clones grow big enough to be able to succesfully clone...