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  1. T

    Bud Drying out?

    Hey i got two plants in flowering, they started budding awhile ago, but i only got them under the 12/12 light about 3 and a half weeks ago, the one plant has nice and moist bud, but the other seems to be dring out. The bud is getting crisp, and the leaves are going yellow(bus leaves, no fan...
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    I have a light in my room, and I was wondering how much time i should keep the light on until i put it outside? If I put it on for 24 hours will it mess up my outdoor growing?
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Starting my grow inside, what should my hours of light be, i dont want them to be starved for light when i put them outside, should i just copy the current sun time? or exceed?
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    Ontario growers!!!

    Usually id start indoor 420, and put outside may 24, but this year iam starting inside a little early, planning on doing 20 or so bag seed, wish i could get to a seed bank, but live to far away(2 hours north of toronto, any seed banks near by?), and dont trust mail orders, also are there any...
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    Germinating Seeds, overheated?

    I was germinating my seeds, and accentaly put my heating plant on high instead of low, not to sure how hot they got, but defentaly 90F+, will this be a problem, its been 2 days, and some are cracking open, but iam not seeing any sporuting yet, and some of the spourts within are getting a burn...
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    avoiding hunters

    To solve this problem i just grow in tree tops lol, but if thats not ur thing, trepassing signs work very well.
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    Ontario growers!!!

    Hey growing some bag seed and maybe buy some clones later in the year. Gonna start april 20th (420) think its to soon? usually i just buy clones, right now its -20 here, iam in central ontario, but itll warm up. Also this will be my first year growing in ground, before this year i had grown in...
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    Ontario growers!!!

    O yea forgot to add, this will be my first year growing in ground, before this year i have just gorwn in tree tops
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    Ontario growers!!!

    dude no idea wat iam growing ill prolly try some bag seed, and get some clones, whens u guys starting to germenate urs? its -30 where iam tonight, but id say in a month or so i might start germinating the seeds, and than let them grow on my back porch for a bit? Is apirl 20th (420?) a good time...