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  1. redwolf666

    My First Grow: Bagseed, all CFL

    not that i know of unfortunately still a little early. do you have a seperate cab for flowering or are you just going to switch all your plants over at the same time?
  2. redwolf666

    My First Grow: Bagseed, all CFL

    look good man, the one your talking about might be a little stretched but nothing to really worry about at this point, maybe move your lights a little closer(cfls can be really colose to a plant before it hurts them in any way) how long do you plan on veging for?
  3. redwolf666

    My First Grow: Bagseed, all CFL

    looking good man, i remember my first grow(s) took me a while to get my setup to where i wanted it and i had nowere near the amount of space you have. best of luck man.
  4. redwolf666

    serious question.

    it seems like i might have to, doesnt look like anyone has really tried...
  5. redwolf666

    Toolage's Indoor Garden

    awesome. good 2 hear man
  6. redwolf666

    next year i think im gonna go it alone.

    next year i think im gonna go it alone.
  7. redwolf666

    u kno, not as good as i had hoped, the guy i was working with didnt get out to the site as much...

    u kno, not as good as i had hoped, the guy i was working with didnt get out to the site as much as he had planned for whatever reasong. havnt even harvested yet. really hoping to get out there next little while and see whats left of the poor girls.
  8. redwolf666

    Toolage's Indoor Garden

    im surprised nobody responded, looking good dude
  9. redwolf666

    serious question.

    ok so i know you can buy these super expensive led growlight set ups. id really love one but hey, i dont got that kind of disposable income. what i was wondering is wether or not anybody has tried a grow with the led lightbulbs. im talking about the ones at like walmart that look like a regular...
  10. redwolf666

    LED Xmas Lights..And You

    wow im kinda dissapointed that the experament never got completed...
  11. redwolf666

    growing marijuana outdoors. a short beginners guide

    please note that i did not write this, found it on this site i just thought it was helpful. Growing Marijuana Outdoors The general consensus appears to be that growing marijuana outdoors is the cheapest option and produces a much larger and higher yielding plant...
  12. redwolf666

    fun in the sun. eventually.

    yea i was thinking that but im under the understanding that he has grown outside before so i figure he has the pest control handled but ill let you guys know;-)
  13. redwolf666

    fun in the sun. eventually.

    so me and a buddy decided to try a half descent outdoor grow this year. started the seeds a little late but they are finally started in the rockwool. started them inside in my closet for safe measure. normally i do this stuff in my closet so im excited to go outdoors this summer and see what i...
  14. redwolf666

    Can't find anyone else with THIS issue

    what are you running for a grow area, lights, nutes, dwc/soil/etc..
  15. redwolf666

    Growing as a hobby

    i just grow it to grow it
  16. redwolf666

    Help my first time grow

    check out my grow journal i was using even less space. fucked them up at the end but did pretty good until then
  17. redwolf666

    Adjusting light times well off the shedule.

    iv never had a problem just switching to flower from 18/6 or 24/0 to 12/12. i know you get a better start if you put the girls to bed for 24hrs prior to switch but you should be fine. like i said, iv never had an issue
  18. redwolf666

    first cfl grow from bagseed need help

    hey man, check out my first grow and learn from my mistakes lol i made alot back in the day but ive perfected my grow space and i actually use the same nutes that i used in my first grow with very pleasing results lookin good though
  19. redwolf666

    POWER BILL / ELECTRIC COMPANY - How not to become a suspect.

    the way i do it is my plants lights only come on in the evening when pretty much everything is turned off except for the fish tank, tv and my ps3 so that all the power i use durring the day pretty much equals what im puting out at night im also only running about 350 watts (actual wattage not...
  20. redwolf666

    havn't been around in a wile

    she is sleeping thats why the first two pics are dark