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  1. S

    1000w = how many planta?

    Thanks OregonMedsI believe you answered my question perfectly and I will try my best to follow your advice. Thanks to everyone who commented. Im gonna flower sooner than I planned hopefully the plants I keep in veg wont grow to big to fit in my flower room this way. If they do I should have an...
  2. S

    1000w = how many planta?

    Forgive my ignorance but what is a light mover? And does anyone think it would be worthwhile to add in say 11 42' fluorescent bulbs? I was thinking I could afford to buy some more of those and use them for side lighting and maybe that would be enough light to supplement the 1000w and I would...
  3. S

    1000w = how many planta?

    Okay so maybe I should flower them around 2 ft. then if I want them to grow around 5 ft. in total? I would love to do SOG but I haven't tried cloning yet so I'm guessing I'm not going to be lucky enough to get all my cuttings to root and a lot of them will die lol... I dont want to take 40...
  4. S

    1000w = how many planta?

    Well ya im not gonna veg them to 5 ft. that'd be insane some of them could shoot up a lot. I was thinking more like 3 ft. and then switch to flower. If I really need to I could tie any big ones down. As far as how to pick mothers I was planning to use the smaller plants so I can keep them in...
  5. S

    1000w = how many planta?

    I've got 29 plants currently growing under a 1000w HPS light. Looking at them I'm thinking this is definitely not going to be enough light to produce the results im looking for.Im planning on growing the plants to a pretty full size about 5 feet or so because my ceiling is about 7 feet and...
  6. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    So now that I've got my 1000w HPS I'm looking at my 29 girls (I finally gave up ont hat BC big budd clone and threw it in the fire) and I'm thinking I don't have enough light for them once they start flowering. My buddy suggested my fluorescents would be more useful in a veg room once start...
  7. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    Okay so I just got a delivery :] I decided to grab a 1000w HPS instead of the MH I had planned on getting. Just on the off chance something comes up and I'm not able to buy another bulb in 2-3 weeks when I switch to flowering. So I nailed a 2x4 up to make an extra wall in the spare bedroom...
  8. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    Okay it could be something like that because I'm using my tap water which comes directly from a lake. Ill just have to keep an eye on it. I'm gonna go home tonight and clean all the plants off and clean my grow room up a bit more now that I have things setup a little more permanently.
  9. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    Okay so I got a big surprise for anyone watching but unfortunately I wont be home for another 8 hours or so to get pics. I did have a good friend take a look at my girls though... He thinks the brown spots are just from using water that's too alkaline for those first 4 days I didn't have a PH...
  10. S

    Brown spots and strange white residue

    Sorry I'm new to the forums so I don't know if this is bad etiquette but I have posted about the problem in my grow journal and attached the relevant pictures there as well. So if you just click on the link in my sig you should see it there. It should be one of the most recent posts if not the...
  11. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    Okay so here are a few pictures of my girls. More importantly I got some pics of the brown spots on their leaves that I'm concerned about. The temperature never gets higher than 27C. I have been trying to keep the humidity high. Also in some of these pics I was trying to get the strange white...
  12. S

    My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

    If you're on a budget I'd suggest checking out your local dollar stores. Up here in Canada I go to the Dollarama lol... Anyway they usually have those emergency blankets in case you get lots in the woods or something. They are usually like $1 a blanket and they are pretty big too. It's like a...
  13. S

    My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

    Sweet bro... looking forward to the new pics. Check out my grow journal it should be in my sig. I think our plants are pretty close to the same size except mine are all clones. I finally got a USB cable for my camera so I have some pics up, heading home to check on the girls soon myself so Ill...
  14. S

    Light Spectrum questions...

    Here's the link to my grow journal if you're interested. Ive got a few pics posted :]
  15. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    So I was wondering if anyone has experience with LEDs used for growing? I'm getting an LED board with my Metal Halide this weekend because a friend recommended it just wondering if anyone can give me info on the benefits it will provide my plants with. Also now that I have pictures of my abused...
  16. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    Got a cable for my camera so here are a few pics I took 3 days ago. And 2 that I took yesterday. The first 2 show my light setup. The track lighting actually has 3 60 watt replacement CFLs but at the time I took the picture there was only one. The next 3 pics are my russian kush clones. The...
  17. S

    First big grow Russian Kush / BC Big Budd hopefully perpetual

    Okay so this is my first big grow. I recently purchased 20 rooted Russian Kush clones and 10 BC Big Budd clones that were not rooted yet. My grow room is not fully setup yet so Ill start with what I have now and then Ill describe what I hope to have in 2 weeks. The clones are on an elevated...
  18. S

    Russian Kush

    I actually just bought 20 russian kush clones. Apparently its good weed nothing insane like Jack Herer but it tastes good and gets ya stoned.
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    Walmart Soil

    I used to buy that miracle grow moisture control stuff... I forget the nute ratio but its something very very low good for young plants. Its got peat and perlite mixed in if I remember correctly. I recently bought the cheapest stuff they had and a bag of perlite and am gonna try mixing my own...
  20. S

    My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

    Sorry SICC I didn't mean to suggest that you were providing bad advice or not enough of it. I just didn't see anyone mention those points. If you did I apologize but no harm done in giving him the info twice :] As far as your buddy stealing it if your asking people for seeds they already know...