Search results

  1. Brain Fog

    LED Growing?

    sweet, i appreciate the help... sorry it took a month to reply, my system was down, back up now. peace
  2. Brain Fog

    Contest- Guess the weight

    1n that case... 12...13..14???
  3. Brain Fog

    Contest- Guess the weight

    11.341598 grams
  4. Brain Fog

    3000w Aeroflo2 60 site GDP AEROPONICS

    Sweet setup dude! cant wait to see the yield on this! Have you seen the stinkbud thread ? he has a very similar setup, and alot of experience. tons of helpfull info, hope it helps. I'll def be watching...
  5. Brain Fog

    LED Growing?

    are leds used only for clone and veg? or can they be used for bloom? do i need a different wavelength for bloom? what about intensity? ive read that a 600w led is equivilent to 2000 hps, but is that based on growth rate or will it still produce good bud density? anyone have experience with leds...