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  1. T

    The Big Bang

    there is a theory that once the universe expands to the point where the universe can't expand anymore then the world will implode unto itself, again making a tiny lump of mass the size of a pinpoint. all the matter in the world then compresses again until it can me compressed no more. then the...
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    How much do you toke a week?

    Poppers Lots of poppers...i can't say how much i smoke a week but there was a time when me and 2 buddies marathon smoked an ozzie in one night straight poppers :mrgreen:, with one or 2 blunts
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    My Little Babies

    well i have to clear things out of this house, their going to my other place.
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    Music For My Girls

    There Alive Ahhhhhhh!!!!!
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    first time getting stoned

    my friend knocks on my door and comes up to my room, i'm twelve... he surprises me with a half ounce baggie of sum green shit, he whispers coco-puffs...we smoked it all that day:joint: ... ahhh found memories:roll:
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    Need Help!

    wait until you see the soil starting to tighten up, and dry out onj the surface before the next watering... the only thing i can think of is pruning the "burnt" leaves but you should prolly ask a more expearenced member before doing so...i've never dealt with it...GOOD LUCK:peace:
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    magic mushrooms

    i love my phycidelics....i used to grow a bunch of them but had to stop as i was "Forced" out of my home for a little while....but i just ordered a new set of spores, if you want a good place for delivery anywhere IM for the site...
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    Ice Bong

    Ice Bongs...what a beautiful thing...i have a 2 1/2 zong fill it with normal bit of water and pack the ice cubes into the "Z" the cubes should line up and fit comfy...then shmoke:joint:...makes it nice and smooth and it's one of those things, just to be "kool"....nice instructions
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    My Little Babies

    thanx man, any sudjestions on the transportation?
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    Need Help!

    rough...Marihoon is a plant that grows naturally in the wild, which means there are naturally pretty damn resileiant. sometime adding to much of what the need really turns around on them, i wouldn't use any more fertilizer for bout a week or so... and just make sure the waters moist they don't...
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    My Little Babies

    i fear that the prolonged absence of light cuased my wee ones to sprout a little bit too tall.... they are about 3 1/2 inches and only have 1 set of leaves with another tiny set growing in each....sudgestions would be awsome to help me compensate on this delema.:-? Also these little buddies have...
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    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    Nice Little beauties there... happy blazin:joint:
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    Canada troops battle 10-ft Afghan marijuana plants

    Ha, i think i might join the army up here, they should send me and a few of my buddies out there we could escavate the site in no time:blsmoke: :mrgreen:
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    The Greatest Tokin' Music

    The cypress hills song your lookin' for is "hit's from the bong" a classic. :mrgreen:
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    The Greatest Tokin' Music

    Soo what are we stoners listening to these days anyway? i like to mix it up with a little sublime, pink floyd, hendrix.... oh and definitly some Tool or A Perfect Circle.. or some of my own music... So What Does Everyone Listen To?
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    My Little Babies

    Wow I had a Close one with these wee ones, i was "forced" to leave home for a little bit, and i had left seeds in there communal bowls in the darkness of my basement for two weeks. on my return i found most of them had died, but 3 little resilent ones had pulled through growing about 2 1/2...
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    How Much To Sell For?

    I'm Going To have to agree with that comment, if you say your selling, you should atleast have some expearence dealing with the conclusion is that your riding on daddies money trying to look cool, or possibly reak of bacon and similar pork products