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  1. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    i was wondering if u can help me with my problem, i just put an exhaust and intake computer fan into my box , but the temperature is not getting lower its 82F, i need advice on how to get it colder , i have a desk fan in the box but i dont use it because it seems to just make it hotter
  2. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    where can i find dimmer switches for my fans, and how do install them
  3. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    should i give more power to the intake fan then the exhaust so that theres more air traveling in the out , or should it be the other way around
  4. J

    Need Help installig fans into box

    Im looking for some help on how to install 2 computer fans into grow box, i got them hooked up and want to know how to locate them and install them
  5. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    i need help in the placement of computer fans, i was wondering if it matters where i put the exhaust and the intake fan in my box, i also heard that the intake fan should go at the top and exhaust at the bottom, but i really need help
  6. J

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Let's see if youcan help me do you any links or websites to help me connect and figure out how to set up my computer fans (exhaust)