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    you are dumb. do not put seeds in the same pot.
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    Kaya gold

    also going to be trying the kaya gold this spring. first outdoor grow and wanted to know how the harvest is and how much attention it will probably need outdoors. any good outdoor growing tips would be helpful and appreciated, thanks
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    My 09 Monster Attempt

    not right when i put them out i mean. but eventually put them in 5 gallon pots after theyve outgrown a nursery pot. will the pot be big enough?
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    My 09 Monster Attempt

    so if i start my grow in april and put them outdoors after 4/20 (or whenever the last frost is going to be) do you think 5 gallon pots will be big enough for the plants?
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    Looking To Start A Small Outdoor Grow Op

    just figure out what nutrients are in it. Nitrogen is essential during vegetative state so if it has good N you should be good until flowering then your plant needs lots of Phosphorus. so find a fertilizer with good Ph percentage
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    My 09 Monster Attempt

    -hey there, plannin my grow for spring it will be my second grow and first attempt at outdoor growing. i was wonder if i start my plants in early april and move them outside after theyre stong enough to be outside after the the frosts (4/20) how big will they get after 2 months ?(June?) and also...