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  1. P

    Bout to harvest. Is this right?

    i took the pic the day i cut them down...
  2. P

    Bout to harvest. Is this right?

    idk what's goin on with the white leaves...but i thought i would tell u that i just harvested my first grow like 3 weeks ago...i was really diappointed with wat turned out i got inpaitent and cut them to soon and the high sucks i cut them when the trichs were more milky than anything...the best...
  3. P

    my first harvest

    i have no clue i brought them to my house 1 week into flowering...after i found out they were females...a buddy needed them gone asap...
  4. P

    my first harvest

    wat i had before and wat i have now...
  5. P

    my first harvest

    yea i had a single 300 watt incandescent bulb...i switched to cfl's like 2 weeks ago
  6. P

    my first harvest

    i think it turned out good for using incandescent lighting for 3 months...oh but what's the perfect temp. and humidity to dry at?
  7. P

    people harvisting now so it can be ready for 4\20

    just wondering how many other people are harvesting thier crop within next couples day so it can be dried by 4/20
  8. P

    experienced growers only...

    nicely said j dub...and if u don't care what i need or what i asked get the fuck off my thread your the only stupid fuck arguing all i asked was a simple question not for u to get ur thong crammed up your since u don't care what i need or have a clue what my original question was or...
  9. P

    experienced growers only...

    for those that talked about losing yield...i'm already goin to get some really airy buds and not to much i'm just trying to see what i can do to get as much resin or trichs before i cut down cuz i already know the yield is goin to be shitty do to the nugs not being dense...
  10. P

    experienced growers only...

    J.W thanks for the info...i think i'm goin to try out...and i don't know if this make since but i kinda believe wat u said cuz for some reason every morining the room i have them in stinks so good...
  11. P

    experienced growers only...

    ok let me rephrase the question...Does giving the plant 48 to 72 hours of darkness before u cut it down make a difference???
  12. P

    experienced growers only...

    i still goin to wait til 4/11 than cut them down so i can at least smoke a dried bud by 4/20 than the rest is getting cured...
  13. P

    Here's the pic of my ladies

    yea i just recently swithced to 3 150 watt cfl's when i'm about to chop i'll post pics...
  14. P

    experienced growers only...

    this question is to all EXPERIENCED growers...Does giving the plants 48 to 72 hours of darkness to a plant before harvest really make a difference? to people that have tryed it before...
  15. P

    Hey call this number to help legalize marijuana!!!!!!!

    YOU GUYS ARE RETARDED...if you called you'd see i didn't believe it myself...
  16. P

    Hey call this number to help legalize marijuana!!!!!!!

    I didn't believe when i got the text but i called it and it's true it jut takes 30 secs...THIS NO JOKE I'M DEAD SERIOUS JUST CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF... 973-409-3274 THIS NO SCAM OR STUPID SHIT LIKE THAT JUST CALL TO HELP LEGALIZE MARIJUANA...
  17. P

    manicuring much to handle product

    post some pics of your bud...
  18. P

    1st legit "clinic" in Spokane

    hey tman i'm pretty sure there's a dispencry in tri-cities i live close by and i have a body that's lives here where i live and he always buy from a dispencry in tri-cities...don't have my card yet so i haven't really looked into it...if u have ur stop by the store hippies
  19. P

    It's early, but I'm chopping!

    sometime in jan. but the whole first month they had shitty lighting...
  20. P

    It's early, but I'm chopping!

    hey electric i just check my plants today and some trics are cloudy but not all are mushroom shape...hey runnin if u don't have anything to look at the trics with i bought a lil scope from radio shack today for 12 bucsk works badass just hard to look at the trics on the plant cause it moves but...