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  1. children of tha ganja

    hortilux blue vs hps

    yeah that helps I was leaning that way from what i read but I didnt know the half and half part so just to clarify for anybody else who reads this thread the hps will stretch it a mh will thicken and the hortilux blue does a good job of both correct me if im wrong on that and plus rep...
  2. children of tha ganja

    hortilux blue vs hps

    I have a 400 watt hortilux blue mh lamp which is supposed to have a fairly good spectrum when i switched to flowering i bought a fairly cheap hps would it be better to stay with the hortilux blue or switch to the cheaper hps here is the spectrum for the hortilux blue I am new so i dont...
  3. children of tha ganja

    Things to Know About Lighting

    I have a 400 watt hortilux blue mh lamp which is supposed to have a fairly good spectrum when i switched to flowering i bought a fairly cheap hps would it be better to stay with the hortilux blue or switch to the cheaper hps
  4. children of tha ganja

    do i have a hermie?

    Can a male show pistils I am a week into the switch and pistils are popping like crazy but one plant shows swollen nodes and what looks like the small male preflowers