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  1. I

    Shortest Grow Period from Seed?

    I just lost a shipment of seed from Nirvana (White Widow). None got past seedling stage. They also included 10 'mystery' seeds, strain unknown. I've got a window of 11 weeks from now until I leave for summer job. I've got a hydro grow system with 400w metal halide. Thinking of sprouting...
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    Curing Disaster?

    The buds and small leaves dried within 4-5 days of hanging in cardboard boxes with air circulation to the point where they were crisp with outside leaves crumbling on contact. However the stems did not 'snap' when bent. Because of the extreme dryness I decided to move to curing jars...
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    Medicinal & Recreational

    Hi - Firstly, thanks for the help I've already received from several members! I'm a life-long pot smoker (currently age 64) who's only recently started growing my own. Used only recreationally but as I'm beginning to experience the onset of age related body decline I've become keenly...
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    Epilepsy and Medical MJ

    .... I've interviewed several epileptics who say they are able to control their seizures. One person in particular explained that he has been trained in a particular breathing exercise which can delay onset of a seizure for 45 seconds or so. This gives him time to find safe harbor. Recently he...
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    How Long to Keep Going?

    Appreciate the help! I'll flush while waiting for trichomb further development.
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    How Long to Keep Going?

    Strain: Easy Rider Growing: Hydro Am in wk 9 of flower with clear trichombs. Was advised in wk 8 to cut back nuts to 1/4 and then chop - BUT - trichombs still clear with pistils half-brown. Main question: It seems to need to go longer, but is it good idea to continue at 1/4 nut level -...
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    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    I opted to go with seeds touted as very easy to grow - Easy Rider strain. All the seed stores say this strain is an 8 wk flower. That's just where I'm at but visual examination of trichombs (clear, small, and not that dense) tells me to keep going. However, can't find any more info on this...
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    Plants Maturing Differently!

    I've got 3 plants in a small hydro cabinet in wk 8 of flower. I started with seeds from two different strains. Plants 1 & 2 are the same strain. Each plant is exhibiting a very different level of maturity. Plant 1 - buds are covered with small, clear trichomes, pistils are 50% brown...
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    Extremely Long Branches Drooping

    I shoulda mentioned I'm growing hydro. There's a reservoir beneath the plants. The rockwool they're in is always damp, so I wonder if lack of water is the problem.
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    Extremely Long Branches Drooping

    I've got several plants outgrowing a small cabinet. I've already been through bending on my first grow (this is my second) and I've got the same problem again - plants too high for available space - BUT now with additional problem of branches growing out from stems almost horizontally and...
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    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Thanks for the response. My concern is that I will soon run out of height space. To be more precise: I'm growing in a cabinet where the lamp is a fixed height. I'm thinking I should do nothing until I can sex the plants, get rid of the males, making room to start bending the females. My...
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    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    I'm growing hydro in an enclosed cabinet with about 4' of height room. Ending 1st wk of flower and plants are already within 16" of lamp. It seems I must crop them but I've been told flower is too late for cropping. Haven't been able to sex them yet, so I'm thinking there will be some more...
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    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Thanks for this supremely well-covered overview. I've been searching around for some answers to my newbie questions (other sites, as well as here) and this is by far the most informative - and well written - coverage I've encountered. So thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!