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  1. Obleezy

    I'M BACK!

    I'M BACK!
  2. Obleezy

    New Grow! in my kitchen?!

    OHHHH YEAH!! i think they've grown 3-4 inches since i put them under that light. They are growing considerably faster than what I've been seeing with those 6500k CFLs.
  3. Obleezy

    Newb Grow Journal With Questions...

    Yeah, depending on your soil, it could be anywhere from the second or third week to after a month, either way... when you do, start with 1/4 strength.
  4. Obleezy

    Newb Grow Journal With Questions...

    every other feeding is better. you dont want too much salt to accumulate in your soil from feeding.
  5. Obleezy

    New Grow! in my kitchen?!

    It's been a little over a month since I first started this grow. I've added a bunch of new equipment, expanded the grow area, and actually started two seedlings (random seeds) since my last update. Anyways, the lights are kept on 24 hours... max temp in the tent is 82 F. NOW FOR THEM PICS...
  6. Obleezy

    New Grow! in my kitchen?!

    Sorry for the lack of updates... but I've been busy! hehe I'll post up new pics of my current EXPANDED setup! WAHOOO!!!
  7. Obleezy

    Not sure if female :-|

    and try to get it as dark as possible for their night cycle.... even a little light may throw off the 12/12.
  8. Obleezy

    Whats up with that purpleish/brown stuff?

    you know what... that makes so much sense! hahaha imma rebalance my water and see if that helps.
  9. Obleezy

    Whats up with that purpleish/brown stuff?

    Wait... so either its over fertilizing or not enough fertilizer?
  10. Obleezy

    Whats up with that purpleish/brown stuff?

    Alright! Thanks for the help everyone!
  11. Obleezy

    HELP!!! Male next to a Felmale! To late??? (pictures)

    at least you wont need to worry about getting more seeds....
  12. Obleezy

    Whats up with that purpleish/brown stuff?

    Great... hahaha well i hope we find that answer quick...
  13. Obleezy

    Whats up with that purpleish/brown stuff?

    Hey RIU! I was just wondering what you guys think is going on with my babies. I've got 2 month old MK Ultra clones... I noticed a couple days ago that the leaves of one of them started to develop small brown/purple spots. I have been giving the clones 1/8-1/4 strength 10-10-10 plant food with...
  14. Obleezy

    Young Plant-Leaf twisting

    Yeah my leaves are doing the same... weird....
  15. Obleezy

    Lightt problem!

    yeah it will especially when they are young and need that light!
  16. Obleezy

    Whats wrong with my girls??

    I'd say its the ferts you have in your soil... its burning them!
  17. Obleezy

    When should i transplant these into bigger pots (pics)

    move the lights a bit closer to prevent stretching if you can.
  18. Obleezy

    i really need help!!! can someone please help me!!

    overwatering a bit imo.... let em dry out for a few days.
  19. Obleezy

    I need help quick, my hits dying

    Pics would help a lot!