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    Is this Purple Urkle/Erkel? Week 8 Server Closet CFL Flowering

    Does this mysterious plant look healthy?
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    Is this Purple Urkle/Erkel? Week 8 Server Closet CFL Flowering

    So I've searched and found various sources mentioning that purple urkle or erkel is only available from clones. This grow is from seed that was given to me by a friend. He told me that it was purple urkle now I'm no expert so if you all could help me Identify. My first notice was that it does...
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    3rd week flowering is this slow?

    My baby had some issues along the way light burns, wrong decision by me to put molasses without proper knowledge etc.. I think it is recovering however I'm not sure if it is slow for being in week 3, I would expect bigger buds and more crystals. adopted it in aug 6 was about 3-4 inches tall and...
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    Help Foam WTF is going on!!

    according to my friend who has had success with it and many others on here that do use it I decided to try it myself, not knowing that the amount I used was for soil and not hydro. Lesson learned however I am still using 1 tbl spoon to 5 gallon and hope that it helps, if my plant starts to show...
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    Help Foam WTF is going on!!

    Flowering in week 3, res smells like pond water and I found out that the 1-2 tblspoon per gallon crap is for soil not hydro. I have now reduced it to 1 tblspoon boiled then mixed with 5 gal water and half my usual nutes. Hopefully it will not die from having been in that crap for 2 days... :(
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    Help Foam WTF is going on!!

    I used 5 table spoons for my 5 gal water, i'm using a bubbler so it could have been too much molasses? just changed water again with a new res and this time it doesn't seem to have as much bubble but still some.
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    Help Foam WTF is going on!!

    So molasses does foam??...
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    Help Foam WTF is going on!!

    So we washed our second res with some dish washer, cleaned it and dried it with towel. Added some molasses for the first time and put our flowering baby in it. Few hours later I am seeing foam floating in the res a lot of it. Is this a normal reaction when putting in molasses?? If it is the...
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    Purple Urkle 1st Week Flower Burned bud!! help

    does it look like the bud site is burnt? so you are saying top that main cola? at this point what would that do to the plant?
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    Purple Urkle 1st Week Flower Burned bud!! help

    my baby has been growing rapidly, and every night it seems to reach my light, last night it the main bud/cola site got burnt. Would you all be so kind as to tell me if this is ok, or what I can do? Is the plant looking ok for 1 week into flowering? thank you.
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    What do you think?

    Do you mean have it vertically instead of horizontally? Also I will put in 2 more 45W CFLs to the left side to give it more light I think its not enough for flowering :(
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    What do you think?

    I've had my plant since aug 6th transplanted it from soil to hydro and now it is flowering on day 2 after 3 weeks of veg. Please tell me if you think the progress is normal, and my real concern is if the space that I have in this closet will be enough as flowering plant can double in size. I...
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    Is this a Female??

    I was referring to threads like this that mentions true purple erkle is hard to get a hold of most are from clone or hybrid. This isn't the only thread I found though that is why I was worried.
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    Is this a Female??

    WOO! now if I can only sustain it till it finish flowering :) too late to clone now is it for 2 days into flower? Also 2 65W CFLs and 1 25W CFL + 1 fluro that runs vertically <-- is this enough to flower or do I need to get more CFLs for this 1 plant.
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    Is this a Female??

    I have been growing what my friend got from his friend, suppose to be purple erkle even though I have read online that you can only get clones and not seeds from it. I'm in asia and not in the US so i'm not sure how we came about this seed. Back to the topic, I have veg'd it in hydro for a few...
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    Is this really purple urkle (erkle)?

    thats why I asked, I read somewhere that it is clone only so i'm not sure how we have purple erkle.
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    Is this really purple urkle (erkle)?

    I can tell that it has sativa traits from the similarity to the thai that is next to it. Anyone grown purple erkle can maybe shine in.
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    Is this really purple urkle (erkle)?

    My friend gave me a seedling which I transplanted from soil to hydro and its been about 2 weeks or so since the transplant. I'm not sure if it really is purple urkle (erkle), as it does not resemble what I see online. Can someone help me identify it? pics below as well as from my previous...
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    Local Thai & Purple Urkle are they looking healthy?

    My plant survived its transplant from soil to hydro, and with the knowledge I found here I was able to solve my yellow leaves problems. I even transplanted a local thai seedling that I had growing in soil as well. This is what it was 2 weeks back...