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  1. Park Orange

    Roto-Grow Journal

    Subscribed! Ive always wanted one of these! Lookin good so far, good luck!
  2. Park Orange

    First indoor grow. 400w hps, Bluetooth, Galaxy God Bud

    The bluetooth is my favorite from this crop <3 smells dank, tastes great, and has a nice clean high. My ggb isnt couchlock, its BEDlock, straight sleeper bud. Im going to try cutting when the trics are milky this time to see if its any better. Ill post some pics of the jars later- Happy 4/20!
  3. Park Orange

    My Frist Indoor Grow.

    Thoes autoflowers look amazing!
  4. Park Orange

    First indoor grow. 400w hps, Bluetooth, Galaxy God Bud

    Shawn420: Grats on posting on a dead thread. This project ended. Hopefully the next time I try to post a grow journal, I wont have people herassing me. Heres some bud porn from harvest day for thoes of you who were civil and kind.
  5. Park Orange

    My Frist Indoor Grow.

    closet full of dope! :hug:
  6. Park Orange

    *newb* monster build, pics, lets do this!

    Awesome idea! Subscribed!
  7. Park Orange

    perlite turning rusty orange

    I got the same thing when using perlite. I assumed it was algae?
  8. Park Orange

    Sik's Perpetual CFL grow

    Fill the tub, put some sort of filter on the drain to keep out roots, fabricate an attachment for the faucet so you can water easily For your next grow, you could consider doing DWC in the tub, that would be really interesting :] subscribed!
  9. Park Orange

    I'm close - I can feel it! (pics)

    Beautiful! I cant wait until my ladie look like that. bud leaves are still all green, but I know im close! Been on 12/12 for 3 months @_@
  10. Park Orange

    Geek growers?

    Stop motion? Web cam? Geek Grow? I have just been inspired!
  11. Park Orange

    Led growers thred! Show off your setup!

    Nice thread! Looks like some damn nice grows for LED
  12. Park Orange

    BCSEEDS.COM Blue Tooth, Galaxy God Bud, Bag Seed PIC UPDATE

    Just a few more weeks! Cant wait for pics ;]
  13. Park Orange

    BCSEEDS.COM Order: Success!

    I dunnnooooo Ive got some from bcseeds, havnt smoked them yet, but they look great! Lots of early tricome production! only a few more weeks to go!
  14. Park Orange

    First indoor grow. 400w hps, Bluetooth, Galaxy God Bud

    Lol see? Cock sucker. I dont like douche bags, or ass holes. I dont share information with ass holes or douche bags. I dont risk getting busted for ass holes or douche bags that act like 12 year olds on forums. I dont have to, "Get used to it." Kiss my dick.
  15. Park Orange

    First indoor grow. 400w hps, Bluetooth, Galaxy God Bud

    Not posting anymore. No point incriminating myself with photos when the community is going to act like douche bags. Ill just read, and mooch info without giving any in return like others. Later RIU...
  16. Park Orange

    You and I call it "Reggs" or "Schwagg"

    kiss-ass &#9484;&#8745;&#9488;(&#9699;_&#9698;)&#9484;&#8745;&#9488;
  17. Park Orange

    First indoor grow. 400w hps, Bluetooth, Galaxy God Bud

    PH was off, nutes were locked, balanced it out and they are getting dark green like the others! Thanks RIU!
  18. Park Orange

    You and I call it "Reggs" or "Schwagg"

    Are you SERIOUSLY getting all elitest on me? LOL youre STONERS for christ sakes. Ya, you can REALLY critique my shit from a low quality pic. And I SAID it was bag seed in the first place, but its cool. I wont post any more. No point in incriminating myself if you guys are going to be douche bags.
  19. Park Orange

    You and I call it "Reggs" or "Schwagg"

    free seeds... free dirt outside... I wasnt expecting anything more.
  20. Park Orange

    First indoor grow. 400w hps, Bluetooth, Galaxy God Bud

    As I said ubove, my friend switched the project over to soil, and things have REALLY turned around!