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  1. J

    Azamax - does it amplify the nutes in Aeroponics?

    Hey -- just thought I would put this out there: I had a fungus gnat infection which I used Azamax on. Worked great. But then I got root rot! I think two things happened: 1) The Azamax drove the ph of the solution down, but bigger than that, I think, is 2) the foaminess of the Azamax kept...
  2. J

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Very cool setup(!) -- was hoping to avoid the destroying (albeit for good purpose) of yet another large storage container...and the potential outfall from wifey. Thanks for the tip -- I'll check out your plans.
  3. J

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Meant to say thank in advance for any ideas!
  4. J

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey all -- great thread, though I can only claim to have read about 300 of the pages. %-) Am looking for a little help with what must be a stupid newbie aero-cloning problem. Am using the StinkBud cloner design but (gasp) my Roughneck is leaking! It seems to be just spraying so hard that it...