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  1. J

    Oh man!! Big problem. Help needed

    Ooh sounds helpful. Will have a go with that. Deffo the silicone part. With the camper mat part, am I Reading it right that it should be tight against the fan? Or loosely around it? Thanks all keep it coming if there's any more ideas
  2. J

    Oh man!! Big problem. Help needed

    Wat about taping insulation to it? Hmmmm. I know there are better fans out there and my next upgrade will reflect that but I'm on abudget ATM and hence the £70 12'' fan. It has a apparant 1325m3/h airflow rate which seemed pretty good till I turned it on and got flown to Bermuda.
  3. J

    Oh man!! Big problem. Help needed

    DarkD. Could you plz explain a little more how this works? Much appreciated?
  4. J

    Oh man!! Big problem. Help needed

    Any in particular that you recommend? To be honest I would like to keep this one and sort the problem out if possible but if the shit hits the fan (so to speak) and someone hears and I get busted then I'm seriously fooked. Im too pretty for jail.
  5. J

    Oh man!! Big problem. Help needed

    Hey guys and girls. Right., so I thought I'd make a upgrade due to temps been so high. I bought a new ext. Fan ( a vk315) and installed it today. Got it extracting out of my chimney flue. But this thing is so loud!! And I mean loud. Like a jet!!!! I got a fan speed controller and used...
  6. J

    Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG

    right guys. just looked at them again and since i stopped misting things are speeding up nicely. just looked at 6 clones and 5 were rooting! 20mm or so!! THANKS everyone!! but i have also looked at the blue berry mother that i took them from. how long does it take for the two new shoots to...
  7. J

    Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG

    wow you guys are very helpful!! just been and checked them now after not misting them since advised not too. id say i would of misted 5 times or so by now since advised not too. humidity is still high though which by reading your posts its a good thing. well i pulled two out, one had 10mm...
  8. J

    Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG

    its about 5 feet away diagonally from a 600w HPS, and im using a potting soil with no stored ferts in or owt. the moms were flushed too! like i say i thought i followed the procedure to the tee but must of missed something?!?! i will cut down on the misting now guys. thanks again.
  9. J

    Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG

    so are you saying stop misting them? i do mist them often and theres always plenty of water vapours on the perspex
  10. J

    Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG

    thats after 10 days... man i got some learning to do!!! may i ask how yours is set up? detailed if you have time please
  11. J

    Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG

    thanks for the responses... they are warm, but not hot. i dont have a thermometer at the mo but like i say the plants arent wilting or owt... just no roots either. i will try that splitting the stem next time altho i read that it takes even longer to do that... to root i mean. do you...
  12. J

    Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG

    due to recent help and quick responses i thouht id post another question/query to see if ts just as helpful... 14 days ago i took cuttings from 5 BB mothers. i cut diagonally, dipped in clonex and removed lower growth from the cutting... i have a 6 inch deep plastic tray and filled with...
  13. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    i guess i could put them in a cupboard somewhere! thanks..
  14. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    i cant because i have others in the 12/12 room with them. 24 hour room takes up space too so no room for a total darkness part for 24 hours. if i had space, or at least a bit more privacy outside i would of kept him cos he was huge! ooh well!!!
  15. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    gutted!!! just gone to see the young 'uns and one of the unknown "tropical" sativas decided to show HIS true colors!!! thats one down, three to go!!!!
  16. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    3 x 600w HPS, deffo not strecthing.. there about a foot away from the tops, less in some places and a fan constantly keeping all plants cool and from burning!
  17. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    ive bent over the unkown sexed sativas rahter than hacking them in half. ive also lifted up the lights as well as adding a extra 600w HPS. hopefully the girls will like it!! plenty more space now!! i currently grow in soil, and hauling a lot of water to the grow room. does any one have any...
  18. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    so hacking in two.. there will be no main cola then will there? guess its better than losing the whole thing aaye! does any body know of any links of showing pre-cloning and after the regrowth has started? just want to make sure ive done everything ok.
  19. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    double.....triple in size!!! dayyyym!!! if it was summer it could of gone out side but its way too cold for it now. when you say cut it, what style of cutting do you mean? as in taking cuttings for cloning? or chop it in half so to speak? ive done cloning before but never had this problem...
  20. J

    5 week flowering and still not sexed

    so a pure trop sativa. worth waiting for? its defo a sativa, tall spindly, long thin leaves. plenty of branches and bud sites. but height problems could arise if its gonna get much bigger. could maybe handle another 8-10 inches or so. im already bending slightly to keep canopy level. infact, i...