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  1. J

    How and when to use co2 tanks

    I am in need of help with how to use co2 and when to introduce it to your plants. I have no clue and your help would be appreciated. Basically, I am looking for an A-Z on co2 tanks. Thank you in advance!
  2. J

    Using Hard Water

    Fatman - Wow! I appreciate your knowledge on the matter, that is EXACTLY what I am looking for. Thank you When using a RO system are there any other nuances that I should pay attention to, particularly I am asking in terms of nutrients, any help on the matter would help.
  3. J

    Using Hard Water

    Illegal Smile - Thanks for your wisdom but I have a question: Should I hook my reverse osmosis up to the hard water supply or to the hard water conditioned supply? I was told that the ro would remove the salt?
  4. J


    Smokingrubber - I have 2-100 gal res. I could stagger the change out of the water of them so the RO 100 would work. Do you use the RO system? Any tips you could pass on or things to pay attention to? I appreciate your help
  5. J

    Using Hard Water

    Many Thanks
  6. J


    I need some help with my water.....I was such a newbie that I used water from my water softener to fill my reservoirs, lesson learned. I a have a bypass and can use hard water but don't know nutrients are best or if hard water is even ok. I hae heard of using an RO system or a Tall Boy, do you...
  7. J

    Using Hard Water

    Hey there all I am stressing out about my water in my hydroponic system. I also use Rockwool. Initially I was using water from my water softener. This proved to be a HUGE issue! I had salt lock and my plants turned yellow or wilted and died (not all but a good portion). I then switched to...