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    I think i'm ready

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    I think i'm ready

    Getting close to start my first grow....I have a rainforest aeroponics system and a aeroflo 18 system. I plan on starting from seed and using the rainforest for seedlings and mother plants.Then i will bloom them in the aeroflo 18,in a seperate area. I think im ready but..... Once i get some...
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    Things to Know About Lighting

    why not use florescent lighting through out your grow as long as the lumens and color you want is right?I would like to try this...will this make my grow harder?
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    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    How bout a decent cheap RO for the home that i can use for my aeroflo system?I hear some talk about a unit that is under $100.00.What do you guys use for your hydro grow systems?