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  1. S

    new grower, large plant falling over

    I would say light is your problem. Stretching is from weak light. If they have enough light they will not try so hard to reach for the sky and stay bushy.
  2. S

    Why doesn't Obam just release the birth certificate, if there is nothing to hide?

    Hmm I think most intelligent people can see the agenda hasn't changed. It is the same ol same ol except more socialism added for a portion of the masses to remain calm. We are being robbed by central bankers that have put every president you have gotten in the last 30 years into power. Leaders...
  3. S

    Are Birthers racist or just plain stupid?

    Racist and stupid are one in the same so I see no choice here. If one believes for a second that this has to do with race they are sadly mistaken and probably should really cut back on the TV. When I see TV BS regurgitated from anyone they have quickly revealed just how shallow they are. TV is...
  4. S

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    This guy is a pathetic socialist. Trying to convince America to get rid of freedom and give themselves to the government to take care of them. Funny isn't it that everything the government has ever brought us has been over priced and inefficient. we now want them to dictate our health? Hmm...
  5. S

    Evolution Or God?

    I would have to agree and add a fairy tale this controlling should almost be illegal and that is why is is supposed to be separate from state. imo