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  1. whiterasta®

    Ceramic Metal Halide + High Pressure Sodium, a new level of performance

    So in a couple decades of growing under lights I have seen and used every "new" type of bulb that has come out looking for as close a match to sunlight as possible. Enter the Ceramic Metal Halide retro-white 400w for HPS mag ballasts This is a series of pics from the day I turned them back to...
  2. whiterasta®

    Old School

    as I said been at this a long time and have a lot to share with the medical community if they're interested.
  3. whiterasta®

    Whiterasta's honey elixir;

    Whiterasta's honey elixir; A tincture is made from 190 proof ethanol using high resin content material by grinding into a flour and covering with 1/4" per pint of alcohol or 1 inch per gallon.macerate for a moon and strain. Reserve the alcohol and begin preparing other ingredients. . Now...
  4. whiterasta®

    Scientists warn of cannabis ‘timebomb’

    so where is the beginning groundswell of schizo-affective 50-60 somethings begining to crash? After 40-40 yrs of our generation being very serious potheads where are all of the ones who have flipped? I don't know them. I some very sucessfull and skilled people who happen to use cannabis. More...
  5. whiterasta®

    Old School

    :weed: Howdy folks! Just saying hello from the medical community in Oregon. Been at this shit a very long time and have collaborated with some of the top researchers such as Dr's. Raphael Mechoulam and Ethan Russo. Have some improved formulations since my days as Med Mod @ OG thought I would log...