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  1. F

    Hives Break out !! HELP!! Allergic?

    well i am still smoking with no problems, but still get the hives ifit touches my arms!!
  2. F

    Hives Break out !! HELP!! Allergic?

    Surely someone has had similar symptoms?
  3. F

    Hives Break out !! HELP!! Allergic?

    I used the House and Garden Aqua A &B, multi enzyme, bud xl and top booster, so chemical ferts, but gave the plants one week on just water.. i Really hope i aint allergic after all this time!! someones suggested a vaporizer, just looking at those now
  4. F

    Hives Break out !! HELP!! Allergic?

    I have smoked it today with no rash, but when it comes into contact with my skin it flares up, i have smoked it everyday for years, just can't understand it... i dont drink.. maybe i am going have to start...:-(
  5. F

    Hives Break out !! HELP!! Allergic?

    Hi Guys Been smoking bud for about ten years now, recently grown some northern lights x big bud. Was smoking some with a friend yesterday, and noticed some hives appearing on my forehead. I was completely freaked out, took some pirotin and it started to settle off. Out of curiosity I rubbed...