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  1. skunkcow

    cfl v. led v.200w cfl

    i have had great results with a 200 watt cfl for vegging small to medium size plants, i definately agree with Covert, led's still need much r&d to compete with cfl and hid systems, just keep in mind that a 2.5' x 2.5' square area is about all a single 200 watt cfl will cover for effective...
  2. skunkcow

    Day 51 Flower, need help

    some yellowing is to be expected as your plant puts everything it has into bud development, but could be some nute burn also, buds looks nice man! :bigjoint:
  3. skunkcow

    Nute off!! Advanced nutrrient's vs cutting edge vs fox farm.

    awesome thread bossman! will be following to the end :bigjoint:
  4. skunkcow

    NEW NFT (nutrient film technique) SOG SETUP

    the single wide gutter approach is sweet and a great idea, I may try this myself, thanks for the pics and info! :eyesmoke:
  5. skunkcow

    Fresh cut green dragon

    an excellent recipe for the green dragon: i would check it out before wasting good product as if you follow these guidelines the dragon comes out very nice, otherwise just a waste of product and your time, out of the 4 methods shown the cupboard method takes...