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  1. ZigZagZac

    What did you accomplish today?

    I received my medical marijuana card in PA & bought my 1st legal quarter of my life:weed::hump::clap: I am 33yr old & never in my life thought I would be buying weed from a store
  2. ZigZagZac

    Image Association

  3. ZigZagZac

    you know you love your plants when...

    you know you love your plants when you spend your paycheck on there food rather than your own ....who needs to eat?:weed:
  4. ZigZagZac

    Changing names

    Is there anyway to change my name?
  5. ZigZagZac

    Is my computer tapped

    you say you have "reason to believe" its being taped. What are this reasons? I think you just keep to chill out.bongsmilie
  6. ZigZagZac

    Image Association

  7. ZigZagZac

    An actual bigfoot found? PHOTO! Please tell me I just smoked a good J!!!

    If anyone really did find Bigfoot don't you think they would get descent pix and top researchers to study him and record it. Not to mention release as much proof as possible instead of holding back. Why is it when ever someone sees a UFO, or catches Bigfoot, or a picture of the Loch Ness...
  8. ZigZagZac


    1 tequila 2 tequila 3 tequila Floor I should probably stop drinking But I know I'm gonna have more Man... I'm drunk:mrgreen:
  9. ZigZagZac

    cool places to be high...

    Water Parks!
  10. ZigZagZac

    My thoughts on Jamaica

    Two friends of took a trip to Jamaica. They got in a taxi and told the driver to take them 'downtown'. He laughed and told them if he did that they wouldn't be coming back. Mainly cause they were two really pale iris girls in dresses. You can guess what would have happened...
  11. ZigZagZac

    Big Book Of Buds

    Pineapple Express. lol, just messin with ya man. Do you have Grapefruit and/or Blueberry kush?
  12. ZigZagZac

    PA thread

    Philly represent (dads house) Coates Ville represent (moms house)
  13. ZigZagZac

    Olympic Games

    I just can't pull myself away from the TV. I love it! Currently both USA and China have 8 total medals and are tided for first place:clap:. USA! USA! USA! I better get back, the commercial is almost over.
  14. ZigZagZac

    Olympic Games

    So, anyone other than me watching the Olympics? I don't know about you, but I'm routing for the USA, on account thats where I live (surprise surprise). But really I don't care who wins, I just enjoy the sport of it all. How about the rest of you?
  15. ZigZagZac

    Image Association

  16. ZigZagZac

    Duct Tape Patching

    My general rule of thump is, if you can't fix it with duct tape, you didn't use enough.
  17. ZigZagZac

    Image Association

  18. ZigZagZac

    Image Association

  19. ZigZagZac

    Image Association
