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  1. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    lmao, is that meaning the abuse from its birth? is this ripping of the leaves the formation of the 3/5/7/9 finger leafs? im gonna introduce nutes next week on a very small dose, been watered as usual
  2. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    hey guys, time for an update so im onto day 13 now and still in two minds about the health of this plant, yes it is growing, but now starting to look abit mutant. day 12 and the true leaves have started to branch but the leaves apear to be ripping apart??? i can assure they have not been...
  3. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    hey don, thnx for the reply dude so while iv got your attention, ill just mention that i noticed the plant hasnt seemed to anchor itself down, the actual stem can be moved 5mm up/down, iv tried to gain it abit of height by easing it up very slighty? is there a way i can get this plant to sit...
  4. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    hey guys so im just doin as i said i would do and keeping my thread updated. im now onto day 10 since planting have noticed a slow but sure progression once again im uploading my up to date pics for yall to gimme your experteez advice and critisism iv been running a 18/6 light cycle for the...
  5. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    lol, just the guy! dunno what i was thinking with the tomato feed! so theres nothing to worry about how the leaves are curling? iv just potted another LR in same sort of soil this morn but bin waterd with distilled
  6. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    morning all, lets see if we can push this journal further along....... so iv woke up this mornin on day 7 since planting and after yesterdays disaster with my LA, it has totaly shrivled up and died overnight, so thats end of for that 1. As for my lowryder2, since growing its first set of true...
  7. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    lol, is this not classed as my journal?
  8. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    lmao, just to put you at rest welsh, im using distilled wated (distilled been melted ice cubes) thanx for the concern lol!
  9. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    lmao, i like ur style don so i went ahead and watered as i beleived they were dry enough to do so, not a great more i can do now but wait and see how they go thanks for all the advice so far fellas and i might just now be on my way to producing some fine quality product (hopefully!) i will be...
  10. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    certainly looks like it! so i obviously continue to water but hold off on feeding nutes for at least 4 weeks due to the soil?
  11. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    im just using some no frills potting soil bought from homebase (uk) ill keep it goin anyway and update the result deffinately lesson learnt!
  12. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    sh*t, ok so iv just performed my 1st transplant, and unfortuantely it do not go well!, luckily it was the dead 1 anyway but iv managed to snap of the root about 2.5" from top and lost about 1.5" of root. iv planted it anyway but i take it i have just killed my LA? wont be doing that again!
  13. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    haha! that was the reply i was looking for don, iv just turnd my light off, so will be back on in 8 hrs and i will work like this from now on When needed i should be able to seperate the LA down to 12/12 by simply finding sumwere else for it. what will be the signs that show the LA needs a...
  14. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    this is the stuff I O.D'd the poor buggerz on, but hopefully the stuff i would like to use throughout my grow? any comments on it if ya'll can read it? iv currently got 2ml - 1L of distilled water (thats full strength) im gonna drop this to 0.5 - 1L will this stuff do me for what i need? and when
  15. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    MY NEXT 1, sorry guys! since planting 6 days ago, iv had my 2 125w cfls on for 24/0 constant Is it advisable to drop my lighting period down to 18/6? once again, there both auto flowering, Lowryder 2 & LA confidential
  16. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    it was waterd with the nutes on sun afternoon, that was both of them the outside of the pot is fairly dry but the centre is still moist so i rekon 2mora or thurs will be watering day. is it possible to grow these plants without any nutes whatsoever? (autoflowering that is) iv currently got...
  17. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    lol, as u can obv tell from the pic it isnt used for the date. do u think the dead looking LA will recover?
  18. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    thanks guys, lol, iv just rolled a fat joint, got me cuppa coffee and now time for another study. iv literaly just taken the pics below
  19. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    Lol, don, what a guy! this is the exactly pointers iv been looking for and hope i could ask u to point me in the right direction through out my grow as i will be keepin this updated. the idea with the foil under the leaves, yes was for light improvment and will now be removed after what you'v...
  20. sparkyjay09

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    yo welsh, thanx 4 d tip, apreciated! Don gin, my link to my journal is, take a look if u can plz, the more feedback, the better! cheerz guys