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  1. J

    Glossy silver shiny leaves

    I just started a new grow in a new location. This isn't my first grow, but I have not encountered this issue before - any help would be much appreciated. The leaves have shiny silver trails all over them, as seen in the images attached. It's not powdery mildew, I can't wipe it off. I have...
  2. J

    Possible Mold!

    Alright thanks everyone for the feedback. I've cut away everything that is even remotely questionable, plus another half inch into what appears to be completely normal bud. Looking over what I have left, I think I should be safe. Thanks again for all the help.
  3. J

    Possible Mold!

    Slob, It doesn't seem like the mold had a chance to spread very far, I caught it pretty quick. The entire nug was 6inch by 4in(widest). I removed two 3/4 inch zones which were infected. About half of the remaining bud has black hairs with green bud, and the other half normal amber hairs. Are...
  4. J

    Possible Mold!

    No I have not been spraying my plants at night due to the already high humidity. As previously stated, I cut away the infected top cola, and dug out the areas that were covered with mold and tossed it. Now I am left with green bud. The remaining green bud is about 50% normal hair, and 50%...
  5. J

    Possible Mold!

    I dug into the cola to try to figure out what I'm working with. It looks like very small portions around the bud have bud rot, and the mold it forming on the rotting tissue. I chopped the top cola off and ripped apart the bud to find the infected spots. The bud rot does not seem to be very far...
  6. J

    Possible Mold!

    Humidity is currently at 74, but has been as high as 85. There is unfortunately little I do can about this due to where I live. I had hoped with the 3 fans (each at a different height osculating) and my inline blower would be enough to prevent mold. Unfortunately, my camera is not of high...
  7. J

    Possible Mold!

    Hey everyone, I've got a Shishkaberry 2 weeks from harvest which I think might have some mold on it. :sad: I would post a picture, but I can't get a picture that you can clearly see the spots in question. Even up close, it's very faint (if mold, it's not been there long). Doing my daily check...
  8. J

    Outdoor water transport

    I wanted to thank you Seamaiden. I own a farm used for nursery propagation. In the past we have had growers attempt to hide their crops within our fields. Once discovered, the Federal Government ordered us to MOW THE ENTIRE FIELD. Acres of salable crops were mowed under, and we were left holding...
  9. J

    How do I wire and connect an in-line duct fan?

    Mogie, thank you for your wonderful instructions! Just got my fan wired up, works perfect. Also thank you to 7th1der for the suggestion of the computer power cable - saved me a trip to the store!